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I met a ridiculously extraordinary guy yesterday... [Archive] - Page 5 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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Dien Rice
September 25, 2009, 09:18 PM
...and...how is he earning most of his bux now?

Just curious. Sounds like a Great Lifestyle.
Hi Don,

I don't want to steal Karol's "thunder"... Karol's posted a little bit about the very early beginnings on his blog, Ridiculously Extraordinary (http://www.ridiculouslyextraordinary.com/). See the entry,

"How A 19 Year Old Made $5,000 In 30 days While Simultaneously Breaking Every Copyright Law In The Books, Getting Kicked Off Of eBay, and Going To College Full Time"

That way is NOT recommended (and Karol said that period lasted less than a month, if I remember right). He was a young and naive teenager at that time...

For many years, Karol made a "killing" from selling his "Free Auction Profits" ebook, and from doing what he explains in that ebook...

You can now read the whole ebook for free from


As for other things, I believe Karol will reveal more in his blog some time in the future... However, from meeting him (this was the second time I'd met him), I can say he's a pretty sharp guy who could help anybody do well online, and he's made profits in multiple ways, doing quite diverse things...

I hope that helps!

Best wishes,


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