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Ideas to market my Stargazing Skylights? [Archive] - Page 3 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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October 25, 2009, 05:05 PM
Hey Jason....when the "Painted On Ceiling Stars" thingee first came out, I knew a guy who bought the program (I think it was over $2,000) and did some freebies for a couple of hotels...used them for referrals to other hotels AND...in each room where he painted his Stars, the hotels let him place his flyers for individuals who stayed in the rooms and...he claimed he got lots of biz from those rooms.

One thing I would do would be to contact the "Marketing Manager" of local hospitals (or even "Baby" doctors)...show what you have and explain why it would be a great thing for the "New Babies Room" and...let them make your Flyers available to New Parents.

Or...I get a list of Homes Sold in my County, each month. You could send a PostCard with a Sample of what your product looks like...and "Welcome" them to their new home and give them a special offer.

Don Alm

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