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Anyone in BOSTON? How is the FOOD SUPPLY? [Archive] - Page 10 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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February 14, 2011, 07:57 PM
is bracing for a huge spike in prices.

The "net effect" of the Winter won't be known until June, by then, many "insiders" are saying OJ is about to become a "luxury"....although, Brazil is geared up for record exports of OJ, orange juice concentrate...

It is a slow creep, but it is steady, like the gas prices are slooowly going back up...

As most of you old timers here know, I'm NOT a survivalist, however, I am a Prepardeness sort of a guy. I encourage all of our American readers to start buying just a tad bit extra food with each trip to the supermarket, and there are plenty of off the shelf types with long shelf lives too...many things like rice and potatoes have "instant" or freeze dried aspects as do many veggies.

NOT doom and gloom....just a little BLISS in case of food runs here in USA.

Something is happening around the world...and since I'm NOT employed by Google, I'm out of the loop of world events...as far as creating or causing them.

Just an opening salvo to SowPubbers...those storm clouds which hit a couple of years ago, haven't gone away, they've been circling and are now forming a "cyclone" type pattern.

Gordon Alexander

In the arctic town Nunavut, people are paying $38 for cranberry cocktail, $29 for Cheez Whiz, and a whopping $77 for a bag of breaded chicken.

Arctic Bay-based MLA Ron Elliott said "prices have skyrocketed since the federal government changed its northern food subsidy program in the past year."

The story is on the CBC website if you would like to read it:

Steve MacLellan

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