March 6, 2011, 12:13 PM
April 20... The DEPRESSION begins. PART TWO.
Make as much CASH as fast as you can.
Start buying extra FOOD at today's prices.
Join or form a buying Co-Op to stretch your buying power.
I'll post this message every time for the next few weeks. Now on to the coming DEPRESSION.
9:30 AM EST April 20, 2011. The opening bell rings at the NYSE. Trading is moderate.
9:45 CNN reports oil tankers have exploded on both sides of the Suez Canal.
9:55 Reports of multiple fires in the Saudi Arabian oil fields.
10:00 The DOW crashes 1000 points. Gold goes to 2300 dollars. Trading is suspended. Wall Street is shut down.
10:30 Long lines have instantly sprouted up at gas stations around the country.
Wal-Mart sees massive sales across the country as shelves are being emptied. A panic has set in.
The DEPRESSION has instantly begun.
Worst case scenario? Hardly. Another 9/11 or Pearl Harbor is a worse case.
But short of a direct attack on America, an attack on Saudi Oil will have a far reaching and incredibly negative effect on ALL Americans. On the world. It is the ONE event which could throw the world into a Depression as fierce as the Great Depression of the 30's.
Far fetched? HOLLYWOOD “doomsday” thinking?
Consider this: USS Cole. One of the attacks on America which took dozens of American lives. A US Navy warship. There are hundreds of tankers between the Suez Canal and the shores of America. One pirate ship, one rogue fishing vessel used as an IED (Improvised Explosive Device) could create havoc and if attacked in the Persian Gulf region, could be a snowball which gathers speed and size down the hill until it crashes into the sleepy village below.
America is the sleepy village which has ignored the potential avalance for decades. Rather than building a wall of protection around ourselves, we've chosen to remain dependent on the small group of Princes at the top of the mountain for our protection.
Recent news: a drug smuggling submarine. Is there any reason to doubt the possibility of a small attack submarine, an Improvised attack vessel, which could spill a Super Tanker's contents into the seas? With dozens of International armed warships off the coast of Somalia, we've been unable to stop the pirates.
See, it isn't nations, or governments or huge militias we need to worry about.
It is the Timothy McVeighs of the world. Tim McVeigh, the Oklahoma City Bomber, who used a rental truck and fertilizer as his IED to take the lives of hundreds of men, women and children in the name of his cause. Which was the destruction of America.
How many thousands of “Tim McVeighs” are there in Saudi Arabia? Iran? Egypt? Too many to count. Too many to stop.
On TV this week the “news” was all about either Charlie Sheen or the budgets of our federal and/or several state governments. And about who will run for President against Obama.
Wall St. Pundits did their usual...pimping stocks and speculating on sugar futures.
My opinion is, America has it's collective head stuck up it's collective AZZes. It's time for a wake up call. There are many, many issues which could hold our attention...but there is ONE, in my opinion, the only ONE which could devastate our way of life for ever. Dependency upon foreign OIL.
And there isn't a thing we can do about it now...as a country. We've made our bed, and we've been sleeping with the Mubaraks, the Quadaffis and the Saudi Princes for decades. And we will pay a heavy price for the veneral disease of “foreign oil” which we have afflicted upon ourselves.
But YOU can do something about YOUR future. America's strength is found in it's people during emergency times. That is when we rally. That is when we are at our best. That is what is great about America.
I'm telling you to be a good American and get yourself prepared. HEY, if my “doomsday” scenario doesn't happen, then the worse thing that happens to you is you have more CASH on hand and a lot of food you bought at today's prices as a hedge against any inflation.
Make as much CASH as FAST as you can. (Any legal method will do, if it is right for you).
Begin to buy tomorrow's FOOD at today's prices. (And plant a garden this spring, an Herb garden today).
Join or form a Co-Op. Start with a family member, a friend and go “halfsies” in on supplies from one of the discount places...Sam's Club, Costco, BJ's...or find a small businessman who buys supplies at wholesale prices and share the costs of staples like toilet paper.
It could be your bowling team, PTA, neighborhood, church or even your Charlie Sheen FAN Club, but start talking today about “sharing expenses” of staple items and begin to buy in bulk or at wholesale prices and put things up for a rainy day...all while hoping, praying and working against the rainy day from happening.
IF the storm doesn't hit America as I think and feel it will...you'll at least have some “insurance” against any economic spikes or inflation which may come our way too.
I'm opening my phone lines. I'm available to talk to you, anyone of you. I'm pretty good at finding your hidden talents and abilities and will offer some “food for thought”.
I want you to start ACTING today on your future. I want you to surTHRIVE, and hopefully, I'm way off base about “doomsday” and depressions...and you and I will have a bright rosy future with a lot of extra CASH to spend on the things, the people and the activities we want to do.
Gordon Jay Alexander
PS. Want to talk? Email me gjabiz@yahoo.com (gjabiz@yahoo.com) I'll give you my cell phone or Skype number and we'll schedule a time. Fair enough?
Make as much CASH as fast as you can.
Start buying extra FOOD at today's prices.
Join or form a buying Co-Op to stretch your buying power.
I'll post this message every time for the next few weeks. Now on to the coming DEPRESSION.
9:30 AM EST April 20, 2011. The opening bell rings at the NYSE. Trading is moderate.
9:45 CNN reports oil tankers have exploded on both sides of the Suez Canal.
9:55 Reports of multiple fires in the Saudi Arabian oil fields.
10:00 The DOW crashes 1000 points. Gold goes to 2300 dollars. Trading is suspended. Wall Street is shut down.
10:30 Long lines have instantly sprouted up at gas stations around the country.
Wal-Mart sees massive sales across the country as shelves are being emptied. A panic has set in.
The DEPRESSION has instantly begun.
Worst case scenario? Hardly. Another 9/11 or Pearl Harbor is a worse case.
But short of a direct attack on America, an attack on Saudi Oil will have a far reaching and incredibly negative effect on ALL Americans. On the world. It is the ONE event which could throw the world into a Depression as fierce as the Great Depression of the 30's.
Far fetched? HOLLYWOOD “doomsday” thinking?
Consider this: USS Cole. One of the attacks on America which took dozens of American lives. A US Navy warship. There are hundreds of tankers between the Suez Canal and the shores of America. One pirate ship, one rogue fishing vessel used as an IED (Improvised Explosive Device) could create havoc and if attacked in the Persian Gulf region, could be a snowball which gathers speed and size down the hill until it crashes into the sleepy village below.
America is the sleepy village which has ignored the potential avalance for decades. Rather than building a wall of protection around ourselves, we've chosen to remain dependent on the small group of Princes at the top of the mountain for our protection.
Recent news: a drug smuggling submarine. Is there any reason to doubt the possibility of a small attack submarine, an Improvised attack vessel, which could spill a Super Tanker's contents into the seas? With dozens of International armed warships off the coast of Somalia, we've been unable to stop the pirates.
See, it isn't nations, or governments or huge militias we need to worry about.
It is the Timothy McVeighs of the world. Tim McVeigh, the Oklahoma City Bomber, who used a rental truck and fertilizer as his IED to take the lives of hundreds of men, women and children in the name of his cause. Which was the destruction of America.
How many thousands of “Tim McVeighs” are there in Saudi Arabia? Iran? Egypt? Too many to count. Too many to stop.
On TV this week the “news” was all about either Charlie Sheen or the budgets of our federal and/or several state governments. And about who will run for President against Obama.
Wall St. Pundits did their usual...pimping stocks and speculating on sugar futures.
My opinion is, America has it's collective head stuck up it's collective AZZes. It's time for a wake up call. There are many, many issues which could hold our attention...but there is ONE, in my opinion, the only ONE which could devastate our way of life for ever. Dependency upon foreign OIL.
And there isn't a thing we can do about it now...as a country. We've made our bed, and we've been sleeping with the Mubaraks, the Quadaffis and the Saudi Princes for decades. And we will pay a heavy price for the veneral disease of “foreign oil” which we have afflicted upon ourselves.
But YOU can do something about YOUR future. America's strength is found in it's people during emergency times. That is when we rally. That is when we are at our best. That is what is great about America.
I'm telling you to be a good American and get yourself prepared. HEY, if my “doomsday” scenario doesn't happen, then the worse thing that happens to you is you have more CASH on hand and a lot of food you bought at today's prices as a hedge against any inflation.
Make as much CASH as FAST as you can. (Any legal method will do, if it is right for you).
Begin to buy tomorrow's FOOD at today's prices. (And plant a garden this spring, an Herb garden today).
Join or form a Co-Op. Start with a family member, a friend and go “halfsies” in on supplies from one of the discount places...Sam's Club, Costco, BJ's...or find a small businessman who buys supplies at wholesale prices and share the costs of staples like toilet paper.
It could be your bowling team, PTA, neighborhood, church or even your Charlie Sheen FAN Club, but start talking today about “sharing expenses” of staple items and begin to buy in bulk or at wholesale prices and put things up for a rainy day...all while hoping, praying and working against the rainy day from happening.
IF the storm doesn't hit America as I think and feel it will...you'll at least have some “insurance” against any economic spikes or inflation which may come our way too.
I'm opening my phone lines. I'm available to talk to you, anyone of you. I'm pretty good at finding your hidden talents and abilities and will offer some “food for thought”.
I want you to start ACTING today on your future. I want you to surTHRIVE, and hopefully, I'm way off base about “doomsday” and depressions...and you and I will have a bright rosy future with a lot of extra CASH to spend on the things, the people and the activities we want to do.
Gordon Jay Alexander
PS. Want to talk? Email me gjabiz@yahoo.com (gjabiz@yahoo.com) I'll give you my cell phone or Skype number and we'll schedule a time. Fair enough?