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May 3, 2011, 09:45 PM
Hey Richard,

Here's the Exact contact information including her Agent details etc. that'll Get you in Direct connection with Oprah... :)

His name is Kevin Huvane and he lives in California. You can write directly to Kevin at: Kevin Huvane, Creative Artists Agency, 2000 Avenue Of The Stars, Los Angeles, CA 90067. Or call him at: (424)-288-2000. Just remember that if Kevin is very likely an extremely busy man, so unless your later can make a very good case for him to pass on your message to Oprah, it's likely to get ignored. So make it short and powerful - and capture his attention at the very start of the letter...

The Key Focus now is Getting in contact and Delivering the "Winning" conversation that (Get's) that Special invite and Appearance you Know where With Oprah and Company... ;)

By the way...

Also! ... Don't Totally disregard the Tons of other Celebrities...

Many that Might just be Glad to Listen to your "Winning" message and Help get you Much more well Connected with that Ongoing Talk Show circuit and Travels...

All the best...


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