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Tearsheet swipe file? [Archive] - Page 2 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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September 14, 2011, 08:37 PM
but I have NO idea where to find them. My boxes are in storage and not planning any time soon to rummage through them...maybe Senoff or Bernstein have some...or a guy named Drez at Warrior Forum, Copywriting forum has some handy...

Good luck Mitchell,

Gordon Alexander

PS. I assume you know about:

http://www.specializedmailing.com/Direct_Mail_Marketing_SMS_Creative_Direct_Mail_Sam ples.html#2

I'm looking for any direct mail pieces that are "tear sheets", these are the mailings that are mass produced magazine cutouts and also newspaper tearouts.

I'm trying to put a swipe file of these together.

P.S. Gordon... I've downloaded TONS of stuff from you through numerous random internet searches. You've shared a lot of great swipe material on various forums, etc.

So I figured you might know where I can find some of these tear sheet mailings or maybe you could share some here.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you,


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