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How do you make sure you don't get screwed? (JVing)... [Archive] - Page 5 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


View Full Version : How do you make sure you don't get screwed? (JVing)...

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Skip Rosell
June 8, 2012, 04:20 PM
Couple of different ways to do this

1) You control the process from start to

2) Put your tracking vehicles in place as sales are made
wither it is a website or a phone number

3) What i normally do is have a clause in the agreement
that states i can at their expense have my accountant
look at the books as it pertains to this project only.

If a guy is going to rip you off quite frankly, he is going
to rip you off.

Hi my friend,

I clicked on your signature and I get a site that has to do with SEO. Where"s the printing? :)

Best of success,

Skip Rosell

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