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Groupon style offers B 2 B only? Where? [Archive] - Page 4 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


View Full Version : Groupon style offers B 2 B only? Where?

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July 3, 2012, 02:56 PM
There was no reason for groupon or for a business to use them!
Here is the breakdown:
Sell a service for 50% of normal cost
Pay groupon half of what you receive
Train the groupon customers they can get 1/2 price on what you normally sell for full price
Make your full paying customers wait until you take care of the 1/2 paying customer
Spend a good portion of your time (sometimes over 90% of your time) taking care of these customers that cost you 75% your normal rate.
lather, rinse, repeat - probably not more than once!

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