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Dien Rice
July 22, 2012, 05:36 PM
I feel there has to be a 2 pronged approach.

1. Newsletter or postcard that goes to everyone.
2. 50-150 people in your personal list that you contact every month personally.
Hi Ankesh,

I always liked the approach where people send a "Christmas letter" (though it can be at any time of the year, really) to all their friends and family... So, at a minimum, you're getting in touch at least once a year.

I have a cousin who does this every year, and has been doing it for years - it used to be sent by mail, though now it's sent via email, as a PDF attachment. It's a nice letter (with photos) that she sends every year to friends and family, which gives a run-down of what she's been doing the past 12 months. It's always very nice to get! (I know many others do something similar...)

I should do something like that... Hmm...

Of course, it's also easy to send people you know an email (or Facebook message) every now and then, and just ask how they're doing...!

Best wishes,


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