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Help me move a mountain ... [Archive] - Page 2 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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July 31, 2012, 11:29 AM
I'll be there on time with credit card in hand, looking forward to reading it.

Gordon JAY

Tomorrow; Wednesday, August 1, 2012, I want you to help me move a mountain.

I'm asking you to do this Tomorrow; Wednesday, August 1, so that I can get my book on Amazon's best seller list.

The book is "Mustard Seeds, Shovels, & Mountains: How to Succeed Using Your Physio-Psychic Power." In this little book, I tell you EXACTLY how I achieved my incredible success (over $500 MILLION worth!). -- I lay out for you the EXACT method and thinking I used to create fortune after fortune after fortune.

Seriously. It's a book that can CHANGE your life and it's price is less than the cost of lunch at a fast food restaurant. -- The book is only $9.95.

Tomorrow, go to this web page ...


Watch the video so I can tell you what the book is all about. (You may go watch the video today but don't order your copy until tomorrow.)

Tomorrow, follow the instructions on the page to purchase the book from Amazon.com - and claim all of your BONUSES!


P.S. -- If you could ... PLEASE ... tell all your friends via Social Media - Tweet them, LinkedIn them, Facebook them, etc. - or - just forward this offer to your list. -- I would love you for it.

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