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Teacher Makes $1 Million Selling Lesson Plans Online! Attention SowPub Teachers/Idea [Archive] - Page 4 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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Dien Rice
October 5, 2012, 03:07 AM
Thanks Phil for posting about those!

It seems there still new opportunities "popping up" in particular thanks to the internet...

(And there are probably a whole bunch of money-making opportunities based on smart phones I'm not aware of...)

Of course - it's best to choose one, and focus... :)

I've recently been "scheduling" my days (partly influenced by the methodology talked about in "The Now Habit" by Neil Fiore), which has helped with getting focused and getting more things done.

(I've tried it before - but ended up burning myself out! The problem, it turns out, was that I didn't schedule enough breaks for myself... You need to give yourself breaks, or you can go insane!! :) "The Now Habit" addresses this, among other things...)

Best wishes,


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