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ron lafuddy
August 16, 2014, 12:35 PM
It's not much fun if you don't pass it around a little and help others, too. These days I'm about as happy to help someone else take action and make a success of something, as I am to do my own thing.

Us old farts have to keep busy in order to stay sane.

Off the topic, you're doing a great job with Senior Moments. Liked the free book links and will be checking those out.

The Caregivers Manual you offer is just a fantastic idea. I'm going to get into that one a little to see if I can offer anything to add to it, based on some years of experience with my wife's care.

One thing I can say is, if you are faced with taking on the caregiver's role, DO NOT try and take it on by yourself. It didn't work for me and it won't work for you either.

We (men in particular) have a problem letting others help and sharing responsibility. Going through the caregiver experience is NOT a time to "circle the wagons". Especially if the illness is terminal.

It's not fair to the patient or to you.

One more rant.

Where are the women at? C'mon ladies. I know you're lurking here. We need you posting, too. We need your input...your side of things...your ideas

Ok, rant off.


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