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Wow, what a launch! Geronimo, the free new email app for iPhone and Apple Watch... [Archive] - Page 5 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


View Full Version : Wow, what a launch! Geronimo, the free new email app for iPhone and Apple Watch...

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September 1, 2015, 10:07 AM
By the way, they probably will raise more investment capital in the future. If anyone is interested in investing, I can put you in touch with the right people.

The "catch" is you have to be an accredited investor - http://www.investor.gov/news-alerts/investor-bulletins/investor-bulletin-accredited-investors
(This is due to US securities regulations.)

Any kind of early internet "startup" type of investment should be considered "high risk"... My view is that this is a "high risk / high reward" investment, meaning you could make a lot of money - or you could lose it all too.

My personal approach is to only invest in these types of investments an amount of money which, if I lose it all, won't affect my lifestyle too much. (Please note that this is not investment advice - if you want investment advice, please consult a trained professional... My reason for saying that is because I am not formally qualified to give investment advice.)

- Dien

Thanks Dien. If it was listed I would be interested in their options. Easier to make money with a little bit of cash versus investing a bunch of cash.

Just my 2¢...

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