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April 26, 2016, 12:44 PM
Hi Gordon,

Thanks for sharing this post!

It shows that there are so many opportunities out there... many which fly right under our noses...

Many people spend money on collectibles. It makes them happy...

I think it'd be a great market to be in!

How many upcoming "events" are there which are great opportunities for new products, or even new promotions for old products or services...

Best wishes, :)


Most of the Playas in this field...

Franklin Mint, Bradford Exchange, Danbury, World Reserve, US Commemorative, etc., etc.

Step over nickles and dimes to get to the dollars.

They have overhead, expenses, vaults, staff, employees, yada, yada, yada.

They have huge budgets, expenses, costs, blah, blah and more BLAH.

Which leaves a gap, a little one man band can pick up the nickles and dimes all day long with not much effort.

TODAY...ebay SOLD listings show PRINCE items flying off the shelf.

Even ebay, has set up a special TRIBUTE TO PRINCE page.

But deaths aside, if you know an event is coming, especially a milestone, like the 20th anniversary of something...which was popular and can bring a bit of nostalgia to a group...

it costs next to nothing to come up with a commemorative, and have it ready...and with today's "made on demand" technology, a plate, coin, medallion, plaque, poster, key chain, hat, T-shirt...

can be made as demand comes in...

A niche probably too small for the Playas, which need time, a one man band can strike up the profits at will.

Hidden and secret market? NO, 10 mins on eBay and a half hour spent at the "Playas" sites...shows how big the market is.

It requires imagination and marketing expertise.

Gordon Jay Alexander

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