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Old December 4, 2013, 01:19 AM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
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Default I would first choose a target market...

Originally Posted by Paul Wilson View Post is a site I build earlier this year as a sort of "sleeper" site, you know, set it and forget it. I checked the stats recently and over the last 3 months it has gotten around 1500 fresh hits a month and has, drum roll please, generated around $60 (45 UK pounds) from eBay clicks. I've got adsense on there as well but that has brought in 0 buxs.


So how can I move this site forward? Any and all ideas welcome, the more the better.
Hi Paul,

First, thanks for asking your question...

I had a quick look at your website. The first thought I had was, who is your target market?

It looks like you are targeting "everyone"... If it were me, I would probably pick a "niche" group to target.

For example, the founder of "The Sharper Image," Richard Thalheimer, started his business by selling a watch. However, he didn't just target anyone... He started by selling a watch which targeted runners...

So, I would research and pick one or more groups you want to target with your watch sales. The "sales pitch" would probably be different depending on the target market.

Once you have your target market, then it is easy to figure out what to send them if you start a mailing list. You send them things which that target market is interested in! For example, if you were targeting runners (just as an off-the-cuff example), you'd send them things of interest to runners...

This could then expand to selling other things related to running... And so on...

In my opinion, I would first choose a target market - and go from there...

If I have any other thoughts on this, I'll share them...

Best wishes,


P.S. Maybe I am wrong... I just had another quick look at your site, and perhaps you are targeting the "high end" of the market - executives, or other people with wealth, for example? If so, you could then find out what other things those people are interested, and also sell those, and talk about those in a "newsletter" to an email list? You could look, for example, at the "Robb Report" to see what the luxury market is interested in (if that's who you are targeting)...
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