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Old April 25, 2019, 03:27 PM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
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Default "Piggybacking" might be one approach...

Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post
Speaking of Barry, the bro of a friend with 5 million to invest.
Hi Gordon,

WOW, this is pretty exciting!

I really think how it is presented and marketed is very important... I feel it has to capture the public's imagination...

One thought is, is it possible to "piggyback" on something already successful?

I don't know enough about the game, but if it were easy to "piggyback" on an existing successful brand or business, it could be a "quick way" to success...

This approach would probably entail going into some kind of joint-venture with an existing brand name or an existing successful business... (You'd have to make sure your "toll position" is well protected, so they can't steal it.)

(A game-type of example that springs to mind is Bob Reiss and the TV Guide game... Here's an article about it, but I think Bob Reiss gives more details in his book.
There is also a Harvard Business School case study about it, which is what I originally read... )

I'll "sit on it" and email you if I come up with any further ideas...

Best wishes,

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