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Old April 17, 2021, 12:10 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default OH, I thought of you as a Dean of a college, not in the paddy...Update too!

WOWZA momma mia. What a great time to be an Entrepreneur...

Over the next week, I'll offer some summaries of the insights I gained from the biz conference. First thing. How old are you?

See, I think 50-55 (or AARP eligibility) is the cut off point. Under 55, and you have enough time in your tank to embrace the coming technologies and build your fortune from them. So many things. OH, by the way, if you don't subscribe to Thomas Rice's newsletter, you should...

Great stuff, the FUTURE for some of you.

It will take a solid year, more like two or three if you want to dive into tech and make your moolah from the that is why you should be younger.

Older people, above 50, have different needs, wants and desires. A few have the fire in the gut to take on a big Entrepreneurial mountain. And for the ancient and decrepit (ME), aka cantankerous contrarians...the die has been cast.

One area that fascinates me is hydraulics. Combine that with electrical motion and you have amazing opportunities.

So, first thing I took away from the conference was; MOST of it was not for me, simply because I'm unmotivated and set in my ways. The second thing was, the possibilities are staggering and simply trying to choose your future, is akin to the so called shiny object syndrome. Too many Biz-Ops sparkle and shine in the sunlight, maybe blinding some from a better for them opportunity.

And the last thing for today, that I got was...being a small potatoes one man band, a single person with a little help from his friends suits me just fine.

See, I was approached by a couple of people who wanted me to do some work for them, mostly research and writing...but these were rich men.

I made a very conscious decision 22 years ago that I would not continue to make rich men richer. They don't need me, plenty of people who want to work for them. And that is one of the motivations for agreeing with Dien to start SowPub, to give the "little guy" help, opportunity and sharing.

I haven't taken on a copy writing assignment in two decades offered by a rich man, although I still get asked. I'm not about helping some Ex Pat living in a fortress in S. America with his personal army, while he sells hate and fear to maintain his wealth. The guy who says America is disintegrating and being taken over, and sells you beat the market strategies so as you can avoid the hoi polloi apocalypse is, in my opinion, just a big chickenS**T for hiding out in foreign lands, rather than being here helping prevent the doom and gloom he makes his fortune off of.

Anyhow, that is whatever. Everyone gets to do whatever they want with their money and I'm sure my opinion of anyone is of no concern to them, nor should it be.

My point is, you, me and us don't have the same goals, needs or wants. Not everyone wants a private jet, an imported marble foyer in their mansion or 15 acre private lake for their kids to jet ski in. All those guys who have helped their clients make millions of dollars, more power to you buds.

So, it comes full circle for me, the what do you want thing, and at my age, just a little business activity will go a long way for me. So, if anything, or if nothing else, the business conferences helped me forge ahead with my little itty bitty LOCAL project, no Internet involved, a community oriented biz, which helps the small guy build his or her business to levels they want to get too.

More later.


PS I also saw a lot of different MINDSETS or mental ideologies along age lines too. So, I encourage all of you who are looking to your future, to lay out that lifeline and put a big RED X on where you are today, because your age does play a role in the choices you make.

Originally Posted by Dien Rice View Post
Hi Gordon,

There is undoubtedly a gold-mine here...

But, you also have to set things up to exploit your toll positions.

Something I really MUST do better...

I know the HB model... Must implement it much better, though!

As a (part-time) band manager, I've been looking into music rights and royalties (as the band is planning to self-publish their album soon, with my help)... Man, is it complicated! Maybe I'll talk about that can of worms another time (as I'm still getting my head around it)...

Thanks Gordon for sharing, and I can't wait to hear of any updates...

I hadn't heard of Battersby... I'll do my best to check out his stuff!

I remember reading an article once that people did have a tendency (more than chance) to go into a profession related to their name...

Did I tell you I'm also a rice farmer? (Heheh... Kidding there...! )

Best wishes,


Last edited by GordonJ : April 17, 2021 at 12:44 PM.
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