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Old April 19, 2019, 11:58 AM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
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Default Re: SQ1 give-get. The TRANSACTION MODEL, an exchange of value.

Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post
If YOU want some gold in your pockets, you need to EXCHANGE value with people, even the stock market players have to have some coin in the game to be able to make a transaction.

On the SQ1 PICTOGRIGM OF Finances:

We see in the upper right corner the GIVE-GET concept.

At the WF I recently posted this:

Bring VALUE, instead of WANT, and success gets excited about meeting you.
Hi Gordon,

This is certainly a kind of "golden rule" about business...

And for some it may require a mindset-change...

It's definitely about giving value - and making sure that there is a fee attached to that value too.

(I mention that because many people are very generous - in fact, overly generous. Which means they provide a lot of value, and don't charge for it, or undercharge for it... Which is also a recipe for failure...)

You have to get comfortable with charging for what you give...

I was reading about a person who was asked to be part of an event, to provide their services (some kind of therapeutic service, I think). But - the organizer wanted them to provide it for free. "Great for exposure!" they said...

Sometimes that might be worth doing (if you can sell something as well). But, often it's a trap!

As a band manager, the band has sometimes been asked to do gigs for little or nothing... "Great for exposure!" We've always turned these "offers" down. I feel it's disrespectful to the talent in the band. Even musicians need to eat! The guys don't play unless they get paid... That's the deal!

Best wishes,

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