Thread: Humor? Maybe...
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Old April 3, 2021, 10:38 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default Dapper meets Daffy. Both share a secret of the Psychic Power Gaze...


I'm happy for you, you have found Elmer 2, Elmer 1 being Wheeler. They changed my life. Now, as to Robert Collier, best known in marketing circles as the guy who wrote The RC Letters Book, one of the best on tested remote direct selling principles.

But he wrote a lot more than the Secret of the Ages too. He was important to me because he was the INTERSECTION of the business world and the Woo-Woo metaphysical world too. I have read and at one time owned all of his work. In the San Francisco Metaphysical Library his collection was one of the most read.

ONE of his businesses was PUBLISHING, and see, he crossed the bridge between the two worlds of mind/action. His work was some of the most practical psychology/thought/action books out there. He APPLIED what he taught, and that was always an attraction for me.

I left out a secret in Psychic Power Gaze (well, maybe a couple) but both Glenn and Elmer use the contact strategy, Elmer through his dapper appearance and custom made clothes, with those big pockets for always having a little gift to give (interesting little things) and Glenn with things from Big Red Noses, to lights, to big pink bunnies. First impressions are made.

And both guys knew/know, how to utilize the attention getting moment, to bypass the RAS, lower defenses and implant, suggest or in my case PROJECT the idea straight into their brains.

If you will revisit SPIDERS, SNAKES and MICE, you will see how and why the Elmers' had such a big influence on my life.

And many people forget or don't know Wheeler's book was TESTED Sentences that Sell.

TESTED. Like I did on those porches Saturday morning selling flowers door to door. TESTED like Wheeler did in those big stores he consulted with. TESTED like Glenn Osborn does and so generously shares here with us.

But all the TESTING is against the deep background of knowledge of human behavior and of the mind and how it works. Elmer Wheeler came up with ways which worked and until Robert Cialdini came along, not a lot of thought as to the Why (from the business communities) or how to apply it.

Elmer Leterman set himself apart, through a NETWORK of people who liked him and after a decade of gift giving for no reason, for remembering people and getting to be present when they were with him....payed off in spades because he was one of the best ever at selling.

As an aside, at the WF there is a discussion, superficial as always, but at least it generates some activity, on why people quit. Those of you SowPubbers with at least a SQ1 awareness have seen the 7 exits on the POA, the reasons why people quit.

At the WF, the question was raised as way to detect if future employees will quit or stay with it, and that guy is doomed because the answer he was looking for and found, isn't anywhere close to the real reasons why people quit.

I thank you Dien for finding out about Elmer TOO and when you put the pieces of the puzzle all together on the kitchen table, and look at what you have, you will have a dazzling AH HA moment, I guarantee it.


Originally Posted by Dien Rice View Post
Hi Glenn,

I love your ways of achieving instant rapport! (I think it's ingenious! )

(By the way, if you like Glenn's posts, you really ought to get yourself on his email list... His are among my favorites...!)

I'm just reading through Elmer Leterman's book, "The Sale Begins when the Customer says No" (originally published in 1953) - which Gordon recommended many years ago... And only now am I getting around to seriously reading it...

I wish I had started earlier!

Elmer Leterman's approach is the closest I've ever seen to what you do... But of course, you're still a notch above... (No "flirt testing" with Elmer Leterman!)

I find your stuff super-inspiring... Thanks Glenn!

We need more of this in the world... It brightens the world up, and also helps put food on the table, too...!

Best wishes,


Last edited by GordonJ : April 3, 2021 at 11:13 AM.
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