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  1. Giving up on finding a job was the best thing he did...
  2. Let us discuss a word: Proprietary.
  3. Harvey Brody's higher gears...
  4. Cycling shirt, only $159,095 and it's yours! (The idea behind the strategy...)
  5. How to make 7 layer tea - the latest hot craze...
  6. Talk About a Blast from the Past!
  7. Weeeeeee're back!
  8. Sherman, I'd love to know more, including lessons you learned from HB...
  9. NEW and different COPYWRITING course. Limited.
  10. Short and sweet, not sure when Forum will be up.
  11. How "free bonuses" can be used to sell a multi-million dollar product!
  12. Stored value, undervalued assets, distressed business...
  13. Do you need "untouchable days" - to get 10 times more productive?
  14. How about a review of ideas? Business, life and everything else.
  15. How to evaluate a Biz-Op like a Shark, for fun and P R O F I T !!!
  16. I have a feeling Shaggy from Scooby Doo would stay here...
  17. Exclusive opportunity to update and sell and PROFIT from our old products.
  18. Joe Cossman. Worth a watch.
  19. Rare "insider" peek at development of a direct mail piece...
  20. 50 cents a day, five days a week...led to a $50,000.00 a month biz
  21. FREE hotsheet report. Wow, today is your lucky day.
  22. Excrement! So said Herschell Gordon Lewis to us a few years back.
  23. Saturday morn rant, rave and ramblings. GURUS. Wanna be one?
  24. 11 year old post. Good time to think about it.
  25. ADD or ADHD?? Here is one technique. A.I. I. P.

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