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  1. How to buy a good job.
  2. Story copy...
  3. Solving every day problems for profit...
  4. Old gold or junk? Cicle of life or parade of life?
  5. Please Help Me Test Domain Names - Before I Buy
  6. Finding your niche...
  7. Flint, MI and Saudi Arabia...Water and Oil
  8. The market for fresh air...
  9. A quick and easy way to get into the music publishing business!
  10. Using email vs. snail mail to make/close deals
  11. Imagination and Influence
  12. Hit the ball reprise.
  13. First feedback from craigslist ads.
  14. If he were to pat you on the back, you would list it on your resume...
  15. Interesting surprises...from craigslist ads.
  16. Archive, reprise, How to Start a Cult, etc.
  17. Donald "Biff" Trump and Predisposed susceptibilites...
  18. Business Flipper, a different approach.
  19. Any Ideas for Earning Money back home while doing long-term travel?
  20. S-P-I-D-O-G
  21. Secret Persuasion Techniques: Confidence, Conviction and Certainty
  22. More tests results.
  23. Any copywriters out there?
  24. People are still making money on eBay...!
  25. One of those weeks, very interesting.

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