Dien Rice
May 1, 2022, 02:12 PM
Hi Gordon,
There is something wonderful about a printed newsletter, as opposed to a purely electronic edition...
For some things, it's superior - such as if graphics are important...
A lot of (copywriter) Denny Hatch's books reproduce example sales letters, and it's nice to see the crisp, readable image on a printed page... rather than squint at a blurry image on your computer screen...
I do think a hybrid is the best - both printed, and downloadable. Though printed of course costs a lot more money, both to print it and also to distribute...
Best wishes,
For what my 2 cents is worth these days:
I think a local newsletter, or regional, might be of value to local businesses, although, their local groups; merchant associations, BBB, CoC, etc., may be their primary source of local news.
Just yesterday, I spoke to a printer re: A CHRISTMAS edition of Old Timey Cuyahoga Falls, complete with stories of the past, interviews, pics a lot of NOSTALGIA, and with over 35,000 grads from City high schools this past quarter of a century...it could be a nice sell to out of towners for 5 to 10 bux a pop...as well as a current advertising vehicle for today's merchants.
These type of things have been done in the past, and once an initial one goes out, the next edition can be "written for you"
from readers/contributors.
Putting together all the numbers, could be ERY lucrative, although I would probably outsource all of the selling.
A limited run, maybe 2500 or so, might do the trick.
Also, on my far back burners...I have a course COPYWRITING/MARKETING, with the first hard copy thing sent being 9x12 postcards, where one can use dry erase markers to work out headlines, preoccupational interrupters, and then once a month or every other week, they would get another "edition" of the Newsletter to build out the course.
I still like to get hard copies in the mail, talked about Scoopied before,
https://www.scoopified.net/ and some other paper newsletters.
It can be done, but I would TEST it at a very small scale before I committed to doing it.
There is something wonderful about a printed newsletter, as opposed to a purely electronic edition...
For some things, it's superior - such as if graphics are important...
A lot of (copywriter) Denny Hatch's books reproduce example sales letters, and it's nice to see the crisp, readable image on a printed page... rather than squint at a blurry image on your computer screen...
I do think a hybrid is the best - both printed, and downloadable. Though printed of course costs a lot more money, both to print it and also to distribute...
Best wishes,
For what my 2 cents is worth these days:
I think a local newsletter, or regional, might be of value to local businesses, although, their local groups; merchant associations, BBB, CoC, etc., may be their primary source of local news.
Just yesterday, I spoke to a printer re: A CHRISTMAS edition of Old Timey Cuyahoga Falls, complete with stories of the past, interviews, pics a lot of NOSTALGIA, and with over 35,000 grads from City high schools this past quarter of a century...it could be a nice sell to out of towners for 5 to 10 bux a pop...as well as a current advertising vehicle for today's merchants.
These type of things have been done in the past, and once an initial one goes out, the next edition can be "written for you"
from readers/contributors.
Putting together all the numbers, could be ERY lucrative, although I would probably outsource all of the selling.
A limited run, maybe 2500 or so, might do the trick.
Also, on my far back burners...I have a course COPYWRITING/MARKETING, with the first hard copy thing sent being 9x12 postcards, where one can use dry erase markers to work out headlines, preoccupational interrupters, and then once a month or every other week, they would get another "edition" of the Newsletter to build out the course.
I still like to get hard copies in the mail, talked about Scoopied before,
https://www.scoopified.net/ and some other paper newsletters.
It can be done, but I would TEST it at a very small scale before I committed to doing it.