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January 21, 2010, 10:49 AM
Yes! What REALLY keeps customers paying you...every month....is.... RESULTS!

If they see one of THEIR Special Offer Coupons come into their biz being held by someone who got it FROM YOU!.....YOU can bet yer bippy they will KEEP ON PAYING YOU! Month after month!

Now....besides the website you send a Giant Card, either 8 1/2 by 5 1/2 or even 8 1/2 by 11. On this Card are ALL Special Offers from your customers.

AND.....now here's the SECRET to PREVENTING your customers from saying or thinking, "Hey! Yer program ain't bringin' in many customers, we ONLY got 10 Coupons in last month!"

You place ALL your offers on ONE Card! There's a circle or box where your customers can check off....indicating the Special Offer has been used.

Now....when the Special Offer is checked....the New Mover TAKES THE CARD WITH THEM!....so your customers "has an idea" your program is working for him BUT....he does not know....exactly how many or how few people are coming in.....so...when your bill comes in for the next period....he PAYS IT!

Don Alm

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