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May 20, 2012, 07:35 PM

It'll be in triplicate...


Looking up Jeffrey Gitomer now...


Thanks for the corroboration...

Funny but when I think back to 1985 and me starting at Dean Witter as a new broker and Black Friday hitting about the same time I have to stop and ask myself what's the difference in me then and me now.

With the market completely in the doldrums I put 333 (odd # isn't it?) new clients on the books in a little under 6 months. That put me in the top 10 for rookies that year.

I never had a problem making money. If I needed 2000 this week, I made it. If I needed 10 bux to buy lunch, I had it by 10 a.m. My wife and kids never went w/o plus we had 12 goats, 6 ducks, 50 chickens, 4 dogs and 5 cats. I was there 401k, health ins plan and sinking fund. No problem, dollar bills fell out of the sky.

Then one day, the fun stopped. My sales skills went south. Now I actually had to work to make money. What a terrible awful feeling. I had to learn new skills. I think that is why I made the above post. I'm still learning.

Don't get me wrong, I ain't broke and never will be nor am I crying on your shoulder. I'm grateful to everyone who made a reply. I have been truly blessed with more knowledge to use.

That's why I like this forum. People step up and help or straighten a guy out.

Best wishes to one and all,

Tom :)

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