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Old October 3, 2020, 12:18 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default The PROFESSIONAL Remote Direct Marketing Home Study Course

Almost 23 years has passed since I was tasked with creating the PROFESSIONAL Remote Direct Marketing Home Study Course for Ben Suarez and SCI.

It was a special project, one which took several months to complete and a lot of time spent "down the street" at a Video company. I had to take raw footage of a seminar and turn that into a COURSE of study. It was designed for other reasons, which I can't go into...but, at first it was considered an in house educational project. Only after it was completed and a promotion written, did we consider selling it.

Now I had other duties too, mostly writing for the newsletter and researching and interviewing scores of people who submitted ideas to the company for marketing consideration.

Someone recently contacted me, seems he bought one of those bootlegged copies with the 19 AVI files and a pdf. I don't support those, so I refused to answer his questions. I did the introduction on the course, and many have wondered what I did with all that knowledge?

You are looking at it. Dien Rice approached me, or contacted me in 1999 and thought a NEW forum might be what we both needed. At the time, there were several dozen forums, and all were controlled by a single person, and some of those were heavy on the censorship.

Anyhow, I met Dien, we agreed, and now, 20 years later, the Seeds Of Wisdom Forum is still going strong, getting several thousand views a day, with many hundreds of members.

I see a huge opportunity.

MILLIONS, and that is not an exaggeration...millions are looking for ways to make money online, or as a side gig, side hustle, part time, moonlighting situaltion...or actually wanting to start a BUSINESS from home.

That has pretty much been our specialty these last 20 years. Dien Rice brought his excellent Academia research skills to the table and has investigated scores of business opportunity. He has written two books, and his newsletters have kept many people tuned into the latest, greatest opportunity.

I brought my 40 years of BIZ OP experience to the table, and we've been a pretty good team.

I am, however, considered by many a guru to be contrarian. I don't agree with what many teach. The first disagreement is with TIME.

I don't believe it takes years and years, nor is it necessary for a new business person to find her way, by making big mistakes and learning from them. If you visit the Warrior Forum (once a month ought to do it for most) would find someone, every week, sometimes daily...

about how they have been at it 8 years, 10 years, 11 years, or even 3 or 4 and have not made any money. And there are those that tell them to NEVER QUIT, keep going it takes time, you need to make mistakes, etc., etc.

HOGWASH sez I. That extended failure is a result of ignorance, poor or NO planning, and faulty execution...mainly due to a lack of preparation in the beginning.

A decade ago, I led several people to PROFITS in 30 days. Some built on that, others moved on to whatever caught their eye. People can do what they want to do.

I don't know how long it takes any given person to get to NET PROFITS. Some would argue the point, but here is where I am in total agreement with Ben Suarez (that doesn't happen very often)...

That...the most important metric and measurement of a small business, the ONE thing to look at is NET profits...the BOTTOM LINE in accounting parlance.

How much money did you KEEP? Sure there are gurus who brag about selling a million bux of products (giving at least half away for sales, let alone other expenses)... but what counts is NET PROFITS.

I am a self proclaimed expert on the NGPS, the NET PROFIT GENERATOR SYSTEM. After all, I was an editor of one of the last editions of the book, 7 STEPS TO FREEDOM II and was the featured writer for the SCI newsletter and I did do the course, so safe to exclaim, outside of Ben and hand full of his friends and family, I have the most detailed, intimate knowledge of the NPGS.

And I've used that knowledge to market over 75 special reports which I have written or co-authored.

BUT, and this is I M P O R T A N T for you to understand, although I like the NPGS as a foundation to build on, it isn't the only strategy I employ.

When you've been around a long time, you learn to take the best of what you have learned, combine it, toss it around, and make your own salad from the mix.

I tell you this TODAY, because there are fortunes to be made RIGHT NOW, and one of those is going to go to the person(s) who make it easy for millions of others to get started with their online businesses.

Will it be you?

I think a modern version of a HOME STUDY COURSE, which includes not only foundational strategy, but advanced Internet tactics would do very well. The thing about HOME STUDY, is, it allows the student to go as fast as their hunger allows. Sure, take your time, spread it out over months.

OR be in a hurry and get started ASAP, within 30 days, I think two weeks of general study, one week of SPECIFIC focus to determine which business, which topic, which niche you will work in, and a week of FOCUSED getting it done will lay out a sold foundation for fast and rapid profits.

I've seen hundreds of thousands of dollars come into SCI in a matter of days, I've seen 10 thousands come into my own hands in a matter of hours, and I know for a fact, THERE ARE NO RULES as to how fast you make your dough.

There are self beliefs. Mostly those are LIMITING. You can't do it if you think you can't.

Well, I'm sounding the alarm, let those with ears hear. Listen up. There has never been a better time for helping other people get a home based business up and running and PROFITABLE as fast as is possible.

Gordon Jay Alexander

Last edited by GordonJ : October 3, 2020 at 12:41 PM.
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Old October 4, 2020, 11:38 AM
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Default Re: The PROFESSIONAL Remote Direct Marketing Home Study Course

Fantastic post Gordon. It's strange how things work, but I was just randomly reading my copy of 7 Steps To Freedom II yesterday looking for some inspiration, ideas and motivation. It's a great resource.

You are absolutely correct about pulling in skills and knowledge learned in previous experiences, building on or stripping out what no longer works and mixing them up to form new ideas!
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Old October 4, 2020, 12:42 PM
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Default Re: The PROFESSIONAL Remote Direct Marketing Home Study Course

Originally Posted by dvallieres View Post
Fantastic post Gordon. It's strange how things work, but I was just randomly reading my copy of 7 Steps To Freedom II yesterday looking for some inspiration, ideas and motivation. It's a great resource.

You are absolutely correct about pulling in skills and knowledge learned in previous experiences, building on or stripping out what no longer works and mixing them up to form new ideas!

Thanks dvallieres, make a note, if you will. How on the back cover of the book (if you still have it) it reads:

"With archaic conventional business methods which use primitive marketing mediums, it usually takes 5 years to make a profit. With the NPGS it is possible to make a profit on a new business venture in a few months to a few hours. This book will show you how to make money at the speed of light in "Cyberspace".

Short history lesson. When this edition was released, I was the featured writer for the NPGS UPDATE HOTLINE newsletter. One of our subscribers, a MARLON SANDERS, wrote us a letter detailing his gang test methods on Compuserve and AOL. It is what drove me to quit the cushy job at SCI and go full time ONLINE. I think I did so in 1997, maybe 98.

Anyhow, I have used the NPGS formula right out of the gate. I had other reports that I was selling offline, and one of them, THE SPRINT TO FREEDOM, THE CHATTEL REPORT was going very well. I had a laser printer and two binding machines in the basement, and I would spend an hour and print and bind (spiral) the reports and send them in the mail, all told, a couple of hours of work.

It took me to about 2003 to clear my plate of the copy work I had taken on, never solicited for a client, they found me, mostly from the newsletter. I was more interested in writing copy for my reports and information than for theirs.

EARLY Internet was the proverbial WILD WEST, where it seemed that anything goes. Early successes were guys who had direct marketing experience and brought those skills to the new frontier. Guys like Bill Myers, Melvin Powers, Corey Rudl, were first adopters.

Now the interesting thing is regards 7 STEPS, SCI never figured out how to do it, they never sold digital products with any efficacy. The reason, is, they had become the 400 pound gorilla Ben wrote about. Too big to make a quick decision, too many cooks in the kitchen, so to speak.

And I think the BOOK and its business lessons are still valuable, I often laugh at it being a case of do as I say, and not as I do. But don't feel sorry for SCI, they have done pretty, pretty, pretty well even if they didn't cash in on CYBERSPACE (at least not with digital products).

TODAY, the second greatest BOOM in Internet Marketing and online start-ups is about to happen...2021 will produce as many new businesses as did any year prior to this one.

Again, I say, OPPORTUNITY for those with some value to offer to the newcomers, even though the West is more tame now, still plenty of chances to be selling the tools to the miners.


Last edited by GordonJ : October 4, 2020 at 01:30 PM.
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Old October 5, 2020, 06:42 AM
Millard Grubb Millard Grubb is offline
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Default Re: The PROFESSIONAL Remote Direct Marketing Home Study Course

Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post
Thanks dvallieres, make a note, if you will. How on the back cover of the book (if you still have it) it reads:

"With archaic conventional business methods which use primitive marketing mediums, it usually takes 5 years to make a profit. With the NPGS it is possible to make a profit on a new business venture in a few months to a few hours. This book will show you how to make money at the speed of light in "Cyberspace".

Short history lesson. When this edition was released, I was the featured writer for the NPGS UPDATE HOTLINE newsletter. One of our subscribers, a MARLON SANDERS, wrote us a letter detailing his gang test methods on Compuserve and AOL. It is what drove me to quit the cushy job at SCI and go full time ONLINE. I think I did so in 1997, maybe 98.

Anyhow, I have used the NPGS formula right out of the gate. I had other reports that I was selling offline, and one of them, THE SPRINT TO FREEDOM, THE CHATTEL REPORT was going very well. I had a laser printer and two binding machines in the basement, and I would spend an hour and print and bind (spiral) the reports and send them in the mail, all told, a couple of hours of work.

It took me to about 2003 to clear my plate of the copy work I had taken on, never solicited for a client, they found me, mostly from the newsletter. I was more interested in writing copy for my reports and information than for theirs.

EARLY Internet was the proverbial WILD WEST, where it seemed that anything goes. Early successes were guys who had direct marketing experience and brought those skills to the new frontier. Guys like Bill Myers, Melvin Powers, Corey Rudl, were first adopters.

Now the interesting thing is regards 7 STEPS, SCI never figured out how to do it, they never sold digital products with any efficacy. The reason, is, they had become the 400 pound gorilla Ben wrote about. Too big to make a quick decision, too many cooks in the kitchen, so to speak.

And I think the BOOK and its business lessons are still valuable, I often laugh at it being a case of do as I say, and not as I do. But don't feel sorry for SCI, they have done pretty, pretty, pretty well even if they didn't cash in on CYBERSPACE (at least not with digital products).

TODAY, the second greatest BOOM in Internet Marketing and online start-ups is about to happen...2021 will produce as many new businesses as did any year prior to this one.

Again, I say, OPPORTUNITY for those with some value to offer to the newcomers, even though the West is more tame now, still plenty of chances to be selling the tools to the miners.


Thanks Gordon for kicking us in the pants to get moving in showing folks how to make a few dollars in the next few months.

Many of us already have digital products to sell to different niches. Yet, you have indicated the goldmine is opening up to show others how to sell in this tamed Wild West.

Seems to me that some of us could make some bucks even by sharing in detail our selling experiences with some of our own products.
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Old October 5, 2020, 09:48 AM
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Default Getting the right data, may be too late.

Originally Posted by Millard Grubb View Post
Thanks Gordon for kicking us in the pants to get moving in showing folks how to make a few dollars in the next few months.

Many of us already have digital products to sell to different niches. Yet, you have indicated the goldmine is opening up to show others how to sell in this tamed Wild West.

Seems to me that some of us could make some bucks even by sharing in detail our selling experiences with some of our own products.

Thanks Millard, I feel some of those experiences could be repurposed to meet today's demand.

A fellow SowPubber sent me a chart showing Google search trends since Feb. of this year, with big spikes in how to start a business, make money, and all such stuff...and it isn't any surprise to me that the American Heartland is showing the biggest increase.

Maybe the farmers and small businesses have first hand knowledge of the "trends", but there is significant DEMAND, and although it is an Evergreen subject, it is spiking through the roof. I want to be ready for the BAD news of the coming Holiday season, when BLACK FRIDAY, and RED Christmas Eve (when thousands get their pink slips) and the reality sets in.

And if I'm wrong, I'll still have products on the shelf which don't spoil and can always release them via AUTOMATIC VENDING SITES.

I think anyone who has been in business for awhile, and here is the SECRET (HA) which should be focused on...not about any given business...but the


which is the part left out of so many side hustles, gigs and work from home businesses.

Without sales and a NET PROFIT, a lot of time gets wasted on what could turn into a very expensive hobby.

Think about how you got gigs for your Magic performances, getting gigs, getting customers is where the gold will be.

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Old October 5, 2020, 02:02 PM
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Default Re: The PROFESSIONAL Remote Direct Marketing Home Study Course

Yes, I see that phrase on the back cover! (photo attached) Too bad they could not take advantage of the Internet...

Well, I think you are 100% correct that lots of people will be looking for business start-up plans, and opportunities starting this year and growing into next.

One of my favorite books is "A Lifetime of Income" by George Halings. I actually called a number I found for his home someplace I digged up, spoke to his wife, and ordered the book. This was 1998-1999 maybe. Do you think 'unusual' and 'unique' biz plans would work in this time and market?

I think it could because of the curiosity factor and they are based on real stories.

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Old October 5, 2020, 04:44 PM
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Default I believe Dien Rice used Haylings as a model for his Hidden Business Ideas.

Originally Posted by dvallieres View Post
Yes, I see that phrase on the back cover! (photo attached) Too bad they could not take advantage of the Internet...

Well, I think you are 100% correct that lots of people will be looking for business start-up plans, and opportunities starting this year and growing into next.

One of my favorite books is "A Lifetime of Income" by George Halings. I actually called a number I found for his home someplace I digged up, spoke to his wife, and ordered the book. This was 1998-1999 maybe. Do you think 'unusual' and 'unique' biz plans would work in this time and market?

I think it could because of the curiosity factor and they are based on real stories.


Dave, I sure do.

I had George's original work back in the 70's, he had several pubs...including the 555 or whatever it was little known, unique, etc. etc. In fact, I started my Singing Telegram business based off of his work, that was in 1979. The OFF KEY SINGING TELEGRAM business was one of those ODD ball little businesses.

Dien has spent the last 20 years researching into these kinds of things, and although he has written a couple of books (which I wish he would republish)...he has provided his subscribers with this information.

It is a field which can't get too crowded. Back then, while buying George's stuff, I was spending a small fortune on Business Opportunity information...some of that was pretty goofy stuff (for me) like worm farming, growing mushrooms in your basement, raising minks, etc.

What I think is a good idea is, either write about what you have done OR, interview those who are doing it and create a JV. I've done this many times.

The KEY to all Biz Op info, to get customers. If you know how to do that, then you are sitting on a gold mine. Seriously.

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Old October 6, 2020, 02:38 AM
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Default Re: The PROFESSIONAL Remote Direct Marketing Home Study Course

Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post
Almost 23 years has passed since I was tasked with creating the PROFESSIONAL Remote Direct Marketing Home Study Course for Ben Suarez and SCI.

It was a special project, one which took several months to complete and a lot of time spent "down the street" at a Video company. I had to take raw footage of a seminar and turn that into a COURSE of study. It was designed for other reasons, which I can't go into...but, at first it was considered an in house educational project. Only after it was completed and a promotion written, did we consider selling it.

Now I had other duties too, mostly writing for the newsletter and researching and interviewing scores of people who submitted ideas to the company for marketing consideration.

Someone recently contacted me, seems he bought one of those bootlegged copies with the 19 AVI files and a pdf. I don't support those, so I refused to answer his questions. I did the introduction on the course, and many have wondered what I did with all that knowledge?

You are looking at it. Dien Rice approached me, or contacted me in 1999 and thought a NEW forum might be what we both needed. At the time, there were several dozen forums, and all were controlled by a single person, and some of those were heavy on the censorship.

Anyhow, I met Dien, we agreed, and now, 20 years later, the Seeds Of Wisdom Forum is still going strong, getting several thousand views a day, with many hundreds of members.

I see a huge opportunity.

MILLIONS, and that is not an exaggeration...millions are looking for ways to make money online, or as a side gig, side hustle, part time, moonlighting situaltion...or actually wanting to start a BUSINESS from home.

That has pretty much been our specialty these last 20 years. Dien Rice brought his excellent Academia research skills to the table and has investigated scores of business opportunity. He has written two books, and his newsletters have kept many people tuned into the latest, greatest opportunity.

I brought my 40 years of BIZ OP experience to the table, and we've been a pretty good team.

I am, however, considered by many a guru to be contrarian. I don't agree with what many teach. The first disagreement is with TIME.

I don't believe it takes years and years, nor is it necessary for a new business person to find her way, by making big mistakes and learning from them. If you visit the Warrior Forum (once a month ought to do it for most) would find someone, every week, sometimes daily...

about how they have been at it 8 years, 10 years, 11 years, or even 3 or 4 and have not made any money. And there are those that tell them to NEVER QUIT, keep going it takes time, you need to make mistakes, etc., etc.

HOGWASH sez I. That extended failure is a result of ignorance, poor or NO planning, and faulty execution...mainly due to a lack of preparation in the beginning.

A decade ago, I led several people to PROFITS in 30 days. Some built on that, others moved on to whatever caught their eye. People can do what they want to do.

I don't know how long it takes any given person to get to NET PROFITS. Some would argue the point, but here is where I am in total agreement with Ben Suarez (that doesn't happen very often)...

That...the most important metric and measurement of a small business, the ONE thing to look at is NET profits...the BOTTOM LINE in accounting parlance.

How much money did you KEEP? Sure there are gurus who brag about selling a million bux of products (giving at least half away for sales, let alone other expenses)... but what counts is NET PROFITS.

I am a self proclaimed expert on the NGPS, the NET PROFIT GENERATOR SYSTEM. After all, I was an editor of one of the last editions of the book, 7 STEPS TO FREEDOM II and was the featured writer for the SCI newsletter and I did do the course, so safe to exclaim, outside of Ben and hand full of his friends and family, I have the most detailed, intimate knowledge of the NPGS.

And I've used that knowledge to market over 75 special reports which I have written or co-authored.

BUT, and this is I M P O R T A N T for you to understand, although I like the NPGS as a foundation to build on, it isn't the only strategy I employ.

When you've been around a long time, you learn to take the best of what you have learned, combine it, toss it around, and make your own salad from the mix.

I tell you this TODAY, because there are fortunes to be made RIGHT NOW, and one of those is going to go to the person(s) who make it easy for millions of others to get started with their online businesses.

Will it be you?

I think a modern version of a HOME STUDY COURSE, which includes not only foundational strategy, but advanced Internet tactics would do very well. The thing about HOME STUDY, is, it allows the student to go as fast as their hunger allows. Sure, take your time, spread it out over months.

OR be in a hurry and get started ASAP, within 30 days, I think two weeks of general study, one week of SPECIFIC focus to determine which business, which topic, which niche you will work in, and a week of FOCUSED getting it done will lay out a sold foundation for fast and rapid profits.

I've seen hundreds of thousands of dollars come into SCI in a matter of days, I've seen 10 thousands come into my own hands in a matter of hours, and I know for a fact, THERE ARE NO RULES as to how fast you make your dough.

There are self beliefs. Mostly those are LIMITING. You can't do it if you think you can't.

Well, I'm sounding the alarm, let those with ears hear. Listen up. There has never been a better time for helping other people get a home based business up and running and PROFITABLE as fast as is possible.

Gordon Jay Alexander

I completely agree with you gordon. There are millions of people looking to earn online working from home. It is the age of information. 30 years ago when we want to learn something we need to go for libraries, but not the case now. Now the opportunity is huge . i am have just started to make money online. The reason why my work clicked is i bring the right product to the right audience at the right time. If we could do this we could earn a lot from home.
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Old December 15, 2020, 11:19 AM
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Default Re: The PROFESSIONAL Remote Direct Marketing Home Study Course

I completely agree with you gordon. There are millions of people looking to earn online working from home. It is the age of information. 30 years ago when we want to learn something we need to go for libraries, but not the case now. Now the opportunity is huge . i am have just started to make money online. The reason why my work clicked is i bring the right product to the right audience at the right time. If we could do this we could earn a lot from home.

I'm also with you on this one
I also think in about 10 years number of people working online or at home will be higher than the number o people that works directly in the office or on production
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Old December 15, 2020, 01:32 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default I am a fan of Marlon Sanders (why I'm not an affiliate is beyond me)

Originally Posted by samll View Post
I'm also with you on this one
I also think in about 10 years number of people working online or at home will be higher than the number o people that works directly in the office or on production

In this current promotion, Marlon has a pic of the original SUPER BIZ which he says got his juices flowing. He, too, wanted those 70,000 dollar returning promotions like the one Ben Suarez did (he has pic of that too).

Now let me tell you a secret: while those guys, like Ben, were running full page ROP ads in daily newspapers and magazines, some little known and guys who liked to fly low and collect the dough...

were running small classified and small display ads in many of the off beat, little known, specialty pubs, newsletters and circulars where a dollar spent on ads returned 15 to 20 in profit. Sure, getting the 70K from a big promotion and a roll out could return huge profits, but a steady stream of small potatoes bread and butter profits, from 2 to 4k per eensy teensy little ads was worth some people's time too.

Around the time I was putting the PROFESSIONAL REMOTE DIRECT MARKETERS HOME STUDY COURSE together, I was moonlighting, as I had done for decades with little tiny projects which may not have brought in those big figures, but, without the slop and mess of employees, without a building and overhead, without staff, just a small one man band.

Now when Marlon sent his letter to us, and I talked about him in the NPGS UPDATE HOTLINE, he was on AOL, CompuServe, etc.

He saw the boom a coming and cashed in.

About the time we set SOWPUB up, I had made a decision NOT to go all guru, but to seek and find those online representations of those nifty little known publications and groups outside the limelight of the Great Lakes of the Internet or the big OCEANS back then, and stayed the course.

In the early 2000's we saw the explosion of the Launch and 2k products and the first million dollar days (or so was claimed), and not knowing overhead or costs, it is safe to say some of the guys did what Ben, Gary and others were doing offline, pulling in hundreds of thousands of dollars in a short period of time.

Some of that came with a cost, and we also saw some of more popular gurus face their own legal battles too.

My point is, if you have a market niche, no matter how small, and you serve it well, shine your skills on it, and develop an identity, you can keep the stream aflowing for decades and not have to wade into the shark, croc odile infested swamp of IM. Unless you want to.

YES, lots of opportunity TODAY for the action takers who have a plan and stick with it.

A well thought out plan, with adjustments to be made as it is executed.

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