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Old November 29, 2014, 04:30 PM
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Default Re: ULP! Thanks Eric

Hey Glenn thanks for asking,

That's very much like an exercise I was taught and find very helpful!

Hold your arms to the side and wiggling your fingers. Keep moving your arms one or both at a time to the extreme edge of your peripheral vision.

Then go for a walk doing the exercise.

Yep, kundalini is the name of a style of yoga.

Originally Posted by Glenn View Post
Thanks Eric,

I've been Practicing with the color RED and Yellow.

Nothing yet.

I'll try moving closer to the Colors.


I do an Exercise to Strengthen my eyes where I view objects out of the
Extreme corner of my left and right PERIPHERAL Vision. Swing my body
and head to Focus At the far limits of my peripheral vision.

You say "Peripheral Vision" is so important.

I'll try that next.


P.S. - I'm coming at this from a position of Extreme KNOW-NOTHING-NESS.
I've heard that Madonna Practices Some kind of Kundalini Religion.

And isn't there a Style of Yoga by that name?
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Old November 29, 2014, 07:50 PM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
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Default Thanks Glenn!

Originally Posted by Glenn View Post
"How To SEE Aura's EXERCISE" - I Am Practicing
Thanks Glenn!

I know nothing about auras... But I'll have to find some people to try it out with...

Best wishes,

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Old November 30, 2014, 10:21 AM
Glenn Glenn is offline
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Default Thanks Eric - How to SEE Auras Progress - Blurry for 5 Seconds

Thanks Eric,

This morning while doing my 5000 year old Ancient Asian Exercises
to put Chi Energy into my hands. (Bread Flour gives me arthritis and my hands get stiff. tough to avoid.)

I was able to View the color Yellow out of my extreme peripheral vision.

Then when I focused on the color - it Stayed Blurry for 4 or 5 seconds
than got sharp again.

Dunno if this is Progress or not.

Certainly is NOT what the "HOW TO SEE AURA" Directions say to do. (Instead I went with what you said about the IMPORTANCE of Peripheral Testing.)


Feeling Your Own - or Another persons Aura
is so idiot Proof - with this Exercise
that I turned it into an E-book with a 365 day 100% Guarantee.

I only Share Ideas
I Can make Fool-proof.

The World Famous Surgeon who taught it to me helps
patients 1000's of miles away - by walking them
thru the 4 steps over the phone.

The Exercise takes 3 minutes to move Chi Down Your Arms into your hands
and makes your hands HOT.

Eric - If you can FEEL Aura Energy without This Extra Chi
in your hands NOW - I wonder what you'd FEEL if things were amplified by

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Old November 30, 2014, 11:06 AM
Glenn Glenn is offline
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Default How 2 Consultants Get Their Prospects to PAY - Food Referral System


How 2 Consultants Get
Their Prospects to PAY Them -
Food Referral System

This Restaurant Referral Idea Reminds me of how Jack Canfield
and Mark Victor Hanson Refer Thousands of Seminar Attendees to
their "Chicken Soup for the Soul" Books.

And since most Lions Club and Chamber of Commerce
groups meet at a Restaurant.

This Referral System makes Sense.

The Trilogy Cafe in La Jolla, CA.

Owner - Joe Caldera has a 10 year old Counseling and Spiritual Coaching

His Partner Leila Dora - is Both a Yoga Teacher and Nutritional Counselor.

REFERRAL I - Joe Meets Counseling and coaching prospects at his Restaurant.
So they pay him EVEN if they don't hire him.

Referral II - The Middle of the Restaurant is set up for "Airial Yoga" - which
is some kind of Stretching you do in a Hammock - off the ground.

So not only does Leila SAVE munny on office and Yoga Space.

Clients who exercise and get Hungry - are right there next to the food.

Referral III - IF we Reverse the Referral Valve. Restaurant Patrons who come
there for the Vegan - Holistic Menu - See Leila conducting YOGA Classes.

Joe Doing "Spiritual Coaching" and Counseling.

Referral IV - Leila is a Nutrition Consultant. OF COURSE she brings patients
to her Restaurant to SAMPLE the exact foods she wants them to add to
their diet.

AND - people being basically LAZY.

People not wanting to CHANGE.

Most of her Nutrition Clients will NOT want to change their shopping habits.
OR Learn to cook strange foods in new ways.


They dine at their Restaurant - constantly - instead.

Very Simple Yet Powerful way to Refer Clients to yourself.


What do you wanna Bet that Joe and Leila REFER Clients Back and forth
between Each other.

MUCH EASIER to do over a Lunch Table.

Glenn Osborn
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Old November 30, 2014, 11:27 AM
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Default Re: Diane Von Furstenberg Uses The MAGIC Of THREE Self Referral System

Originally Posted by EricC View Post
Hi sandalwood,
From my experience the meaning of the colors depends. Some systems consider specific colors to have specific meanings. The best advice I've gotten on the matter is to ask the color. The intelligence in the color/energy itself has the answer. Going this route, you may find yourself developing your own vocabulary or dictionary for interpreting auras.

Personally, sight isn't my dominant medium for sensing auras. Or at least I haven't taken the time to work with it as much as the sense of touch. I find it more natural to work with auras and energy fields with touch.


Since I am very interested in this material I did some reading on the Internet about what the colors mean. Fascinating to say the least. I am not sure about sensing auras through touch. Do you mean you have to touch the person? Or, in the alternative, just being next to them is good enough?

What I find interesting about this whole process is the part gut feeling plays in this experience. For example, when I am playing poker at my local casino and the guy across from me (or wherever he is sitting) places a bet and I look at my cards just after the bet, the cards seem to say call or fold.

If I listen to their voice, I almost always make the correct decision. The other day, for example, I misinterpreted a move the person made and threw away a winning hand.

I tell you all of this because it seems there are integrated parts to this aura thingee. As far as I can tell, the gut signal is the guiding light because it doesn't happen until after all the parts have acted.

Is that your experience? If I decide to get into this in a more involved manner, I will write my experiences in an ebook I will give away on this forum only. Everybody else will have to pay big bucks with maybe a hefty discount attached.

By the way, I am 69 years old so I wonder how much age is factored into the equation. We are supposed to get smarter as we age .

Seriously though do you have an idea if age plays a large, small, no factor?

I appreciate your input and look forward to reading what you have to say.
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Old November 30, 2014, 11:51 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Diane Von Furstenberg Uses The MAGIC Of THREE Self Referral System

Since I made the last post I did some more scouring cuz my juices seem to be bubbling. Here is what I found:

A person can do the La Chi technique which is just one of the many in Qigong.

Here’s how to do it:

1. Place your hands in front of you, away from your body, with the fingertips of both hands pointing at each other, and almost touching.

2. With your shoulders and hands relaxed, slowly move your hands outward until they are several inches apart. While doing this step, imagine that your pain or sickness is leaving your body and disappearing into infinity.

3. Move your hands back inward to the starting position until the fingertips almost touch. While doing this step, imagine that you are directing qi or life energy to the part of the body where it is needed.

4. Repeat the outward and inward hand movements (Steps 2 and 3) for several minutes or more while affirming to yourself that all pain and sickness are gone, and that you’re completely healed.


As you read, that technique is supposed to help with pain you are experiencing. Pain seems to make up part of our aura, that is if we are experiencing pain. Glenn seems to be saying so in his post and if I am correct he is using one or more of the above exercises to alleviate his pain. And, again, if I am correct, when he relieves his pain, he is at least augmenting in the positive his ability to read/see auras. If I am off base, please advise.

You can get a qigong fact sheet at:

Here is another "more information" page:

I found these sites by googling 5000 year old Asian remedies. There is a qigong class that meets at our local gym. What fascinates me is they do not meet inside the gym. They do their exercises outside. I don't care if it is raining, snowing, hot or warm. They are outside exercising. Now, to me at least, that's dedication.
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Old November 30, 2014, 01:49 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Thanks Eric - How to SEE Auras Progress - Blurry for 5 Seconds

Great Glenn! Sounds like wonderful progress! Allow the experience to unfold. Narrow focus vision appears to be a habit in the modern world.

The big thing is noticing what you notice.

Moving chi into your hands is a great exercise and useful too. In fact, while my wife and I were watching a movie last night, I was using my left hand to deal with pain in the knuckles of my right hand. A finger got bent back too far while working in the garage the other night. The grinding sound in my knuckles..... yikes!

Pain was relieved and this morning is feeling better.

The effects of flowing a lot of chi while intentionally working with someone's aura can be pretty startling at first. And there is no limitation imposed by distance from the client.

Thank YOU Glenn.

My brain is starting to click again. Remembering the various applications I have been taught, practiced, or stumbled upon over the years. Have some doodling to do.

For an eye opening book take a peek at The Magus of Java. Indonesia is the hot spot on the planet for chi work.

Originally Posted by Glenn View Post
Thanks Eric,

This morning while doing my 5000 year old Ancient Asian Exercises
to put Chi Energy into my hands. (Bread Flour gives me arthritis and my hands get stiff. tough to avoid.)

I was able to View the color Yellow out of my extreme peripheral vision.

Then when I focused on the color - it Stayed Blurry for 4 or 5 seconds
than got sharp again.

Dunno if this is Progress or not.

Certainly is NOT what the "HOW TO SEE AURA" Directions say to do. (Instead I went with what you said about the IMPORTANCE of Peripheral Testing.)


Feeling Your Own - or Another persons Aura
is so idiot Proof - with this Exercise
that I turned it into an E-book with a 365 day 100% Guarantee.

I only Share Ideas
I Can make Fool-proof.

The World Famous Surgeon who taught it to me helps
patients 1000's of miles away - by walking them
thru the 4 steps over the phone.

The Exercise takes 3 minutes to move Chi Down Your Arms into your hands
and makes your hands HOT.

Eric - If you can FEEL Aura Energy without This Extra Chi
in your hands NOW - I wonder what you'd FEEL if things were amplified by

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Old November 30, 2014, 02:25 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Diane Von Furstenberg Uses The MAGIC Of THREE Self Referral System

Regarding sensing by touch distance isn't a factor. Personally, I work better with at least some distance from the client.

Part of the point of the exercises is to awaken your awareness of the energy already flowing in you. Once you feel the energy you can use your imagination and intention to increase the flow and work with it directly.

From what I've seen age can be a big help! Awareness of self/ego and lessons learned over the years are probably big factors in learning these things.

Sounds like you're heading in the right direction to me, sandalwood!

A friend of mine has written some books for kindle on this general subject. You might find them interesting. He and I have very different backgrounds but have come to similar places in our paths. Soul Mating (Ayame Book 1) is one of the books. D Jon Harrison is his name.

Originally Posted by sandalwood View Post
Since I made the last post I did some more scouring cuz my juices seem to be bubbling. Here is what I found:

A person can do the La Chi technique which is just one of the many in Qigong.

Here’s how to do it:

1. Place your hands in front of you, away from your body, with the fingertips of both hands pointing at each other, and almost touching.

2. With your shoulders and hands relaxed, slowly move your hands outward until they are several inches apart. While doing this step, imagine that your pain or sickness is leaving your body and disappearing into infinity.

3. Move your hands back inward to the starting position until the fingertips almost touch. While doing this step, imagine that you are directing qi or life energy to the part of the body where it is needed.

4. Repeat the outward and inward hand movements (Steps 2 and 3) for several minutes or more while affirming to yourself that all pain and sickness are gone, and that you’re completely healed.


As you read, that technique is supposed to help with pain you are experiencing. Pain seems to make up part of our aura, that is if we are experiencing pain. Glenn seems to be saying so in his post and if I am correct he is using one or more of the above exercises to alleviate his pain. And, again, if I am correct, when he relieves his pain, he is at least augmenting in the positive his ability to read/see auras. If I am off base, please advise.

You can get a qigong fact sheet at:

Here is another "more information" page:

I found these sites by googling 5000 year old Asian remedies. There is a qigong class that meets at our local gym. What fascinates me is they do not meet inside the gym. They do their exercises outside. I don't care if it is raining, snowing, hot or warm. They are outside exercising. Now, to me at least, that's dedication.
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Old November 30, 2014, 02:54 PM
Glenn Glenn is offline
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Default Thanks Sandalwood - This is Why Masterminding w/Many Brains Helps

Thanks Sandalwood,

I have a young woman customer near the Great Lakes in MI
who was BORN seeing auras. (She is an Equine Vet. Yup - she can SEE pain or infection in the animals' aura.)

She sees a Blue Fog around arms, legs, face. As a little girl - She thought EVERYONE could see what she saw around her own body and others.

A guy in Texas had a hobby of buying up crystals
in Alt Health Stores after they went under.

Stored tons of them in his basement.

After 20 YEARS SLEEPING on top of Tons of Crystals he Woke up one day. Could not only SEE auras - but he can HEAL People.
Which he does full time now.

So Age Doesn't seem to enter into it.

If You BELIEVE - You can Do it.


I don't have any of these kinds of natural Energy Gifts. And don't plan
to sleep on shiny rocks. But I Love to Test Weird ideas - that others have Pre-Proven in some way - that "Modern Medicine or Science" IGNORES.

IF it works for me and my Mastermind of VIP's.

I write it up.
Slap a 365 day Munny Back Guarantee on it.
Write a sales letter.
Sell it.

When Folks BUY something - I WALK them thru it Personally. One at a time
or in a group. Cuz I Really am using all this stuff - cuz it works.

By the way...

Traditional Meditation puts me to sleep.

Two new college kids sent me some Meditation Exercises. One gave me a headache and made me dizzy. Nothing from the others.

Qi Gung - 3 different VIP's have sent me some advanced Exercises. But it doesn't
Work Fast Enough for me. Meaning after a week of testing - I quit each time.

I look for a Clear BEFORE and AFTER Result.

A BENEFIT of some kind.

I think it would Be VERY COOL and VERY HELPFUL if I could see Aura's
Before and After Getting RAPPORT with a Stranger.

IN a LOTTO Ticket FLIRT Situation.


In LOTTO ticket Sales Situations. TO BEGIN With Something Simple.

And teach others how to do it too.

THIS is the part of FLIRTING or SALES - that nobody in the 1000's
of books I've read - Can Explain how to do.


P.S. - Interesting that you play Poker at casino's. I coach men and women
poker players all over the world.

So far.

The most anyone has won is 372,112.02 at an Indian Casino Back
room for hi rollers. But the Ex CIA guy who did it says there were a LOT
of guards with guns Suddenly Blocking the doors - who DID NOT WANT him to leave.

Randy shot "rag heads" as he calls them - during 2 tours in Iraq. So
the threats didn't scare him. Plus he had his CIA Credentials.

But I've advised the other players to win in smaller amounts.

IN front of The Cameras AND other players it's possible to Get Opposing
poker players to Play recklessly or "LOOSE" when you have a good hand.

And once again.

Wouldn't it be Fantastic if we could SEE opposing players auras Change
as they switch over into the GREED ENERGY Mode we put them into?
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Old November 30, 2014, 03:14 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Cards, Guts, and N. Hill in the Field

SO cool about the cards!!!!! Listen to the voice! An ebook about using this with cards would be very interesting to read. You can build on your experiences with cards and use the principles in other applications. How I work IS guided by my inner voice.

For myself, auras have not been my primary focus. Though the word is convenient when talking with other people. Auras are one aspect or perception of the energy/chi system. Chakras are another example.

Things can get pretty esoteric pretty quick. For instance, in the energy field of reality concentrated attention can empower words, objects or whateveritis ......

The more attention or energy given the more powerful. Whether by an individual or a whole bunch of people over time. One of the reasons groups or masterminds run with this understanding and intention can be so scary effective. Then that whateveritis becomes useful for working with directly.

May be more than what you're asking. Thought I would throw this in as N. Hill was beginning to address some of this in his books. And Hill's books are mentioned on the forum periodically.

Originally Posted by sandalwood View Post

Since I am very interested in this material I did some reading on the Internet about what the colors mean. Fascinating to say the least. I am not sure about sensing auras through touch. Do you mean you have to touch the person? Or, in the alternative, just being next to them is good enough?

What I find interesting about this whole process is the part gut feeling plays in this experience. For example, when I am playing poker at my local casino and the guy across from me (or wherever he is sitting) places a bet and I look at my cards just after the bet, the cards seem to say call or fold.

If I listen to their voice, I almost always make the correct decision. The other day, for example, I misinterpreted a move the person made and threw away a winning hand.

I tell you all of this because it seems there are integrated parts to this aura thingee. As far as I can tell, the gut signal is the guiding light because it doesn't happen until after all the parts have acted.

Is that your experience? If I decide to get into this in a more involved manner, I will write my experiences in an ebook I will give away on this forum only. Everybody else will have to pay big bucks with maybe a hefty discount attached.

By the way, I am 69 years old so I wonder how much age is factored into the equation. We are supposed to get smarter as we age .

Seriously though do you have an idea if age plays a large, small, no factor?

I appreciate your input and look forward to reading what you have to say.
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