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Old April 16, 2020, 10:54 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default How to navigate the rough waters of Covid-19 storm. A COMPASS.

There are four major compass points, North, South, East and West.

We're all in a boat in the C-19 Ocean, some in the calm, tranquil waters of the S. Pacific, others in a icy hurricane in the N. Atlantic. Here are some potential ports.

It could all go SOUTH. The world economy ends as we know it, life will never be the same. This is the port where the Preppers, Conspiracy theorists and Doomsday Chicken Littles are headed. They are flipping off the world with an "I told you so."

At the NORTH pole, Mrs. Claus sewed a mask for Santa, who has his elves working around the clock, their new mantra: Always Be Covid Curing. The North port is one where we quickly return to normal, have a rapid recovery and those pundits (the Fake News guys) say, "see, we told you so".

To the EAST is the old world. Established, been around, and this is the port of tradition. People sailing there just want things to go back to the way they used to be, these folks have some sort of "good old days" myopia.

And to the WEST, where I think things will probably be headed, is the NEW Frontier, perhaps the Wild West, a biased law enforcement with many operating outside the law. There is daily uncertainty, an uneasiness of an impending earthquake long overdue.

Now, of course, a Compass has those points in between those four, and then between those...a 360 degree option of what direction the world is going...and no one knows. OUR ship has lost a rudder.

For many people life has stopped, for thousands, that is literal. For millions, their routines and regularities have been disrupted and they are inconvenienced, more or less in a constant flux.

How does ONE plot a course toward their chosen Port?

What actions, what can they do to get through this storm and what awaits them on the other side?

I am of the opinion, the belief, this is a good time to discover yourself, do honest evaluations, sincere introspection and a FUTURE life focused from assessment.

As the world changes, maybe it is time that you do too. Eh?


PS. I'm working on then new SQ1 update, which could be your lifeboat through this storm.
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Old April 18, 2020, 03:42 PM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
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Default Be prepared (the scout motto)

Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post
There are four major compass points, North, South, East and West.

We're all in a boat in the C-19 Ocean, some in the calm, tranquil waters of the S. Pacific, others in a icy hurricane in the N. Atlantic. Here are some potential ports.

It could all go SOUTH. The world economy ends as we know it, life will never be the same. This is the port where the Preppers, Conspiracy theorists and Doomsday Chicken Littles are headed. They are flipping off the world with an "I told you so."

At the NORTH pole, Mrs. Claus sewed a mask for Santa, who has his elves working around the clock, their new mantra: Always Be Covid Curing. The North port is one where we quickly return to normal, have a rapid recovery and those pundits (the Fake News guys) say, "see, we told you so".

To the EAST is the old world. Established, been around, and this is the port of tradition. People sailing there just want things to go back to the way they used to be, these folks have some sort of "good old days" myopia.

And to the WEST, where I think things will probably be headed, is the NEW Frontier, perhaps the Wild West, a biased law enforcement with many operating outside the law. There is daily uncertainty, an uneasiness of an impending earthquake long overdue.

Now, of course, a Compass has those points in between those four, and then between those...a 360 degree option of what direction the world is going...and no one knows. OUR ship has lost a rudder.

For many people life has stopped, for thousands, that is literal. For millions, their routines and regularities have been disrupted and they are inconvenienced, more or less in a constant flux.

How does ONE plot a course toward their chosen Port?

What actions, what can they do to get through this storm and what awaits them on the other side?

I am of the opinion, the belief, this is a good time to discover yourself, do honest evaluations, sincere introspection and a FUTURE life focused from assessment.

As the world changes, maybe it is time that you do too. Eh?


PS. I'm working on then new SQ1 update, which could be your lifeboat through this storm.
Hi Gordon,

The future could be scary... Or it could be quite wonderful...

One way I look at it when bad things happen is... it's a reminder to appreciate and cherish the good things, to be grateful for them.

If you're isolating at home... It makes you appreciate your freedom.

If all the restaurants and cafes are closed (as they are where I am)... It makes you appreciate it when you could eat out at a restaurant or hang out at a cafe.

If you can't meet in person with your friends and family... It makes you appreciate them, and also appreciate modern technology which lets you talk to them, even by video, whenever you want...

All change can potentially be great (even in a tragedy)... because it also means new opportunities.

But... you can't be naive. Be prepared for what could be ahead... Even over-prepared. If you're well prepared, you won't need to worry too much...

- Dien

P.S. Of course, the SQ1 (Gordon's Square One Workshops) is in itself good preparation!
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Old April 19, 2020, 12:54 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default Update talk of GJA-SQ1 about M O N E Y, the financial path.

Just as I did 20 years ago, I'll start with money, it is the easiest thing to illustrate and today, something many will be needing as the crisis continues.


You will see the 5 ARENAS. These are also called lanes on a highway, or paths, or rings of a circus, whichever feels right for you...and they represent the five areas where we live out our lives. TheIy are:


You see these under CHOSEN (bottom middle). Your experiences, the daily events, are of two kinds. Random, as in accidents and illness and chosen as in you making a decision.

In the middle on the lifeline, we see your results are the outcomes of the choices you make.

The big thing most forget is, they have willingly SURRENDERED their choices if they are EMPLOYEES.

99% of employees ASK for the job, they say in effect, pick me, pick me not the other guy. Rarely we are recruited, but it does happen depending on your skills, but even then, if you accept the JOB you agree to give up many of your choices.

You are told where and when to work, (they control your enviroment).
You have agreed to a PAY (they control your finances {re the job})
You have rules and regulations to obey.
You may have a supervisor.

But as I said, many unhappy people have forgotten how and why they are in the "pickle" of a job...B E C A U S E... you asked to be there.

IF you don't like your job, it is time to give it to someone else. And that is often much easier said than done, eh?

Here is the financial PictoGrigm

This is the old, albeit, good enough, version. I am updating this to include some online things too.

But on this PictoGrigm of Finances, you see there are SOURCES of $ and

If you are an employee, getting a paycheck, then TAXES are automatically deducted (although, maybe not enough)...if self employed, Taxes SHOULD be the first point of distribution. Anyhow, we all know about TAXES. On this PicltoGrigm we see a list of the SOURCES.

At the top, first thing, is WORK. All of us understand work as most of us have jobs. Again, if you have a JOB, if you are an employee, you probably asked for and/or ACCEPTED THE JOB with all the restrictions which came with it.
Lets take a look at some other sources.

We see grants and loans. TODAY, during the Covid-19 Crisis, BILLIONS of dollars were gone in minutes as the SBA gave out loans. Another round is coming. Loans have to be paid back, GRANTS don't.

We see legacies, talents, winnings (as in lottery, contests, etc.), ownership, actually, a decent list of possible SOURCES OF INCOME.

On the PictoGrigm you see the X where you are today, and then the "pit of life" is ahead of you. Your future could be one of abundance or accumulation OR it could be one scarcity and frustration.

Your future OUTCOMES, will be determined by the control over the CHOICES you make today.

That pretty much sums up the GJA-SQ1 in general. They are TOOLS which help you to make the

which will lead you to the



So, if you today, be it because of your business or your job, if you are feeling financial stress, then you have to make decisions about your future and maybe have to make some adjustments too.

We all hope for a quick resolution to the C-19 Crisis, and a return to normalcy...but it should serve as a wake up call to anyone who was sailing along and suddenly, in a matter of a month or two, have found themselves dead in the water with finances looming large overhead.

NOW, be glad to answer any questions you may have about this FINANCIAL PICTOGRIGM or about the GJA-SQ1 in general.

They are TOOLS, how you use them is entirely up to you.

Gordon Jay Alexander

Originally Posted by Dien Rice View Post
Hi Gor

The future could be scary... Or it could be quite wonderful...

One way I look at it when bad things happen is... it's a reminder to appreciate and cherish the good things, to be grateful for them.

If you're isolating at home... It makes you appreciate your freedom.

If all the restaurants and cafes are closed (as they are where I am)... It makes you appreciate it when you could eat out at a restaurant or hang out at a cafe.

If you can't meet in person with your friends and family... It makes you appreciate them, and also appreciate modern technology which lets you talk to them, even by video, whenever you want...

All change can potentially be great (even in a tragedy)... because it also means new opportunities.

But... you can't be naive. Be prepared for what could be ahead... Even over-prepared. If you're well prepared, you won't need to worry too much...

- Dien

P.S. Of course, the SQ1 (Gordon's Square One Workshops) is in itself good preparation!

Last edited by GordonJ : April 19, 2020 at 01:53 PM.
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Old April 20, 2020, 02:01 PM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
Onwards and upwards!
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Default A reminiscing... and a quick question!

Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post
Just as I did 20 years ago, I'll start with money, it is the easiest thing to illustrate and today, something many will be needing as the crisis continues.


You will see the 5 ARENAS. These are also called lanes on a highway, or paths, or rings of a circus, whichever feels right for you...and they represent the five areas where we live out our lives. TheIy are:


You see these under CHOSEN (bottom middle). Your experiences, the daily events, are of two kinds. Random, as in accidents and illness and chosen as in you making a decision.

In the middle on the lifeline, we see your results are the outcomes of the choices you make.

The big thing most forget is, they have willingly SURRENDERED their choices if they are EMPLOYEES.

99% of employees ASK for the job, they say in effect, pick me, pick me not the other guy. Rarely we are recruited, but it does happen depending on your skills, but even then, if you accept the JOB you agree to give up many of your choices.

You are told where and when to work, (they control your enviroment).
You have agreed to a PAY (they control your finances {re the job})
You have rules and regulations to obey.
You may have a supervisor.

But as I said, many unhappy people have forgotten how and why they are in the "pickle" of a job...B E C A U S E... you asked to be there.

IF you don't like your job, it is time to give it to someone else. And that is often much easier said than done, eh?

Here is the financial PictoGrigm

This is the old, albeit, good enough, version. I am updating this to include some online things too.

But on this PictoGrigm of Finances, you see there are SOURCES of $ and

If you are an employee, getting a paycheck, then TAXES are automatically deducted (although, maybe not enough)...if self employed, Taxes SHOULD be the first point of distribution. Anyhow, we all know about TAXES. On this PicltoGrigm we see a list of the SOURCES.

At the top, first thing, is WORK. All of us understand work as most of us have jobs. Again, if you have a JOB, if you are an employee, you probably asked for and/or ACCEPTED THE JOB with all the restrictions which came with it.
Lets take a look at some other sources.

We see grants and loans. TODAY, during the Covid-19 Crisis, BILLIONS of dollars were gone in minutes as the SBA gave out loans. Another round is coming. Loans have to be paid back, GRANTS don't.

We see legacies, talents, winnings (as in lottery, contests, etc.), ownership, actually, a decent list of possible SOURCES OF INCOME.

On the PictoGrigm you see the X where you are today, and then the "pit of life" is ahead of you. Your future could be one of abundance or accumulation OR it could be one scarcity and frustration.

Your future OUTCOMES, will be determined by the control over the CHOICES you make today.

That pretty much sums up the GJA-SQ1 in general. They are TOOLS which help you to make the

which will lead you to the



So, if you today, be it because of your business or your job, if you are feeling financial stress, then you have to make decisions about your future and maybe have to make some adjustments too.

We all hope for a quick resolution to the C-19 Crisis, and a return to normalcy...but it should serve as a wake up call to anyone who was sailing along and suddenly, in a matter of a month or two, have found themselves dead in the water with finances looming large overhead.

NOW, be glad to answer any questions you may have about this FINANCIAL PICTOGRIGM or about the GJA-SQ1 in general.

They are TOOLS, how you use them is entirely up to you.

Gordon Jay Alexander
Hi Gordon,

It was almost 20 years ago that I came across the SQ1 Workshops...

I was living in Boston at the time. We had some online correspondence...

And it came in the mail.

Back then, it was the drawings... And a cassette tape (if I remember right).

I remember popping the cassette tape in the tape deck, and going through the drawings, under your guiding voice...

Drawing my own little stick figures, with my own past and future...

What an amazing experience!

An incredible thing that makes it different from virtually everything else is, each person creates their own tailor made little drawing... Reflecting exactly their own past, their own skills, and envisioning their own future...

It's not just a vision they're "copying" from someone else...

However, having said that...

If you were starting out today - with the skills you have - in the middle of Covid-19... What would YOU do?

Best wishes,

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Old April 21, 2020, 12:14 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default Great question. I'd be the oil.

Cassettes??? What are those? HA!!

I used to send out scores of cassettes a day, a small steady trickle of income, then on to CD, DVD...anyhow, to answer your question.

I would be the oil. Fasten in, could be a long ride.

The world's economic machine is grinding to a halt, some sectors getting rusty after only weeks. As in my predictions, from here on, the next month will be interesting, if not volatile.

But the machine will get going, and like machines do, they use OIL. Which is a PictoGrimatic code for you and other toll position aficionados referring to the almost 60 years of the ZOOM SPOUT oil being sold, maybe as many as 200 million units.

So, my answer, OIL, actually has several meanings, a depth, like all the SQ1 PictoGrigms, I think of them as "magic pictures" or sterograms.

Oil in a can, sitting on millions of shelves, being used up, and re purchased, over and over and over again my friend.

I would, TODAY, knowing what I know, begin my THINKING with a very clear view from the rooftop looking toward one of the many toll positions.

I like the smaller TURNSTILE take, like at a stadium, where ticket holders or those paying on the spot, go through a turnstile. If you want access, you PAY.

Going down the ladder, from step off rung to the bottom, I would need to see the DEMAND. A turnstile where LeBron plays is always having higher numbers than where Le-Don plays.

As long as there are moving parts, especially metal ones, there will be a DEMAND for oil. The lubricating kind.

The world economy, the USA economy, the Ohio economy, the Cuyahoga Falls economy are all going to need some grease, some oil to get the machine moving faster.

When looking out from the top, the view from the rooftop, during the assessment phase, I want to see those landmarks. A metaphor for Evergreen, always a DEMAND product or service, like FOOD, we aren't going to stop eating anytime soon {but maybe Soylent Green is closer than we imagine, he he).

So what I would do is use time, AND instead of seeing everything on Netflix, to be shopping around for nearly expired Copyrights, like how recently Ozzie and Harriet TV shows and radio programs have entered Public Domain waters.

Sooooo, I would want to create or ACQUIRE a strong toll situation, probably via Intellectual Property, but, since we did our time with Harvey, to be sure to get control of all the verticals involved, eh? And build a great wall of protection around them.

Much talk of FUTURES today, not the future, but especially OIL and other commodities, like corn, another source of OIL, the most sold cooking oil (back to food).

What I would do (am doing) is trying to secure some future stability for my kids, I'm OK, from here on out, but this crisis really is a tepid dry run of what the future could hold, and so to help out those yet to come, I'd want a

ABSENTEE owned, T U R N S T I L E biz, where there is high demand.

I'll continue, but I'll give you time to think about it, and for all the forum to put on their thinking caps and ponder what the NEEDS and wants of tomorrow will be...and ask you all...what would you do...

knowing what you know today,
starting from scratch with little to no out of pocket expenditure,

to build a sustainable, mostly hands off, decent cash flow business?

I'll continue after lunch, if I don't fall asleep, I do need my 20 hours of sleep a day these days.


Originally Posted by Dien Rice View Post
Hi Gordon,

It was almost 20 years ago that I came across the SQ1 Workshops...

I was living in Boston at the time. We had some online correspondence...

And it came in the mail.

Back then, it was the drawings... And a cassette tape (if I remember right).

I remember popping the cassette tape in the tape deck, and going through the drawings, under your guiding voice...

Drawing my own little stick figures, with my own past and future...

What an amazing experience!

An incredible thing that makes it different from virtually everything else is, each person creates their own tailor made little drawing... Reflecting exactly their own past, their own skills, and envisioning their own future...

It's not just a vision they're "copying" from someone else...

However, having said that...

If you were starting out today - with the skills you have - in the middle of Covid-19... What would YOU do?

Best wishes,


Last edited by GordonJ : April 21, 2020 at 12:36 PM.
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Old April 22, 2020, 03:36 PM
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Default Re: How to navigate the rough waters of Covid-19 storm. A COMPASS.

Yup.....I've spent my whole life "Looking for Opportunities" and not be dependent on a "JOB" or an "Employer". Ever since my first job, after a degree in Electrical Engineering from Northwestern Univ, General Electric hired me and 2 wks into the "JOB" a secretary at an office luncheon tells me...."Hey Don! Do you know you replaced a man who was fired after 29 1/2 yrs?

I checked and....she was right so....I went home and told me wife and she asked; "So...what are YOU going to do?"

I told her I was going to start my own biz....and 3 mos later I see an ad in the Wall Street Journal for someone to become a Dealer for a New Type of Home Alarm System.

I call the Co....get the details and become a Dealer for the Northern Suburbs of Chicago, give my 2 week notice to GE.... and start up a biz from scratch (Securitronics Corp....Security Thru Electronics)

And....15 yrs later, with 17 employees and a super successful biz....I sell it and move to Aspen, Co and start an Advertising Biz (Advantage Marketing) which I still have today.....and about 5yrs ago I got a domain name (Midas Reports dot com).....where I displayed 50 of my successful biz programs.

However....I let it lapse about a 2years ago BUT....with the present day conditions of businesses needing help with their biz AND....millions of people out of a "JOB"....I think I will re-ignite it.

Also.....the shutdown has caused my "Entroopreeners" brain to look for "opportunities" and 2 I've come up with has started to show ...success.

1) Helping FSBOs ("For Sale By Owner") Home Sellers to sell their homes by making "Video Tours" of their properties AND....posting the Videos on YouTube .....ranking for the a Unique Yard Sign that tells House Hunters to use their Phones to SEE my Video Tour of the property they're looking at....(go to YouTube and type in "732 Callahan Dr Roseburg, OR"....and see the FIRST Video that comes up!

2) People are still being injured accidents or otherwise....and in need of a "Personal Injury Lawyer" put up a website that offers a FREE Report ....."7 Things You Should Know Before Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer!" I got this website on the first page of G for certain Keywords and it has been getting an average of 5 Unique Downloads a Day....good enough for ONE Law Firm to want to PAY me for the Names & Emails.

Thus....their are LOTS of can earn money nowadays WITHOUT having to spend much moolah.

Don Alm......
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Old April 22, 2020, 04:25 PM
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Default Also.....

2 Entroopreneers in Maui....Tom & Nick.....knowing that restaurants are having a rough time during the "Shutdown"......set up a website called "We Deliver Maui" and offered FREE Listings to any restaurant....and now have MANY restaurants listed for Take-Out and/or Delivery.....and....even though there Listing is Free.....they are getting MUCH response, from restaurant owners, to do other things for them.

So.....just another idea of doing something that can Help.....then....having those helped....ask for other services.....because Tom & Nick NOW....have gained the TRUST of many restaurant owners.

Yup.....we WILL see more things like this AND.....against the wishes of some in our society.....we WILL....GET BACK TO NORMAL.....LIKE IT WAS! THAT is WHO Americans are!

Don Alm
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Old April 23, 2020, 11:09 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default Have you actually done any of these in the last two months?

These two, PLUS the restaurant DAILY SPECIAL site you are setting up will keep you plenty busy, for sure. I see the FSBO video is 5 years old, any from the last couple of months?

There are lots of IDEAS on how to make money, I'd prefer to see something actually working TODAY, during the crisis. I did find several things in Dien's new report for his newsletter, things that are actually working, and have the documentation behind them too.

I love ideas. I just prefer reality.


And, do you have any current data on the law firms?
1) Helping FSBOs ("For Sale By Owner") Home Sellers to sell their homes by making "Video Tours" of their properties AND....posting the Videos on YouTube .....ranking for the a Unique Yard Sign that tells House Hunters to use their Phones to SEE my Video Tour of the property they're looking at....(go to YouTube and type in "732 Callahan Dr Roseburg, OR"....and see the FIRST Video that comes up!

2) People are still being injured accidents or otherwise....and in need of a "Personal Injury Lawyer" put up a website that offers a FREE Report ....."7 Things You Should Know Before Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer!" I got this website on the first page of G for certain Keywords and it has been getting an average of 5 Unique Downloads a Day....good enough for ONE Law Firm to want to PAY me for the Names & Emails.

Thus....their are LOTS of can earn money nowadays WITHOUT having to spend much moolah.

Don Alm......

Last edited by Dien Rice : April 23, 2020 at 11:21 AM. Reason: Formatting
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Old April 23, 2020, 05:58 PM
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Default Re: How to navigate the rough waters of Covid-19 storm. A COMPASS.

Ya Gordon....I am NOT "selling" anything...just offering "possibilities" for making money during this "shutdown".

The 1st are right....I did this 5 yrs ago and have RE-activated it for one of my sons (who got "laid off" recently) and again....I am not selling anything.

People who want to save the 6% will try to sell their homes themselves (Known as FSBOs) looked at Zillow and other sites where FSBOs show their properties for sale and....we either Phone or Postcard them...offering to turn their photos into Video Tours with background music then....put the Video up on YouTube ranked for the Address of the property.

This...along with 2 Yard Signs make up a "FSBO package" which FSBOs are willing to pay for. worked 5 yrs ago working Today! the "Lawyer" thingee....a few yrs ago....I purchased 24 Websites from Gene Pimental. These ready to Upload websites are pretty awesome in that there's a female in a video telling the benefits of a Free Report that's offered on the site. When "interested" people go to get the FREE Report...we get their Names & Emails and.....sell them to the particular Niche biz.

There are 24 Niches....24 different biznesses....Lawyers being just one of the 24.

Again.....I didn't put this up to "sell" anything.....or "brag"'s what I've done...ALL my life.....find something people will pay for and Sell it to "Them"........just showing the "possibilities"!

Don Alm.....loong time Entroopreneer
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Old April 23, 2020, 06:02 PM
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Default Re: How to navigate the rough waters of Covid-19 storm. A COMPASS.

Also.....I forgot to mention that we also put the Video (with a Full Color Thumbnail) on a website showing local properties for sale....which is also included in our "Package"

Don Alm
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