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Old May 12, 2003, 06:22 AM
Eric McArdle
Posts: n/a
Default Free eBooks can create a promotion virus!


The way I build prospects is making ebooks. Give about two weeks to making an ebook (there are tons of free software to make them, email me and I will send you the links) that has a concept about how to get traffic.
The most successful way to make money is to have an opt-in list that trusts you and sees you as somebody that wants to help you throughout the way.

ListFire allows you to build a huge opt-in list for free. Say your book revolved around this concept..."Maximum exposure = ebooks, ezines, and opt-in lists." You can easily place a link to recommend ListFire as it is a way to build a targeted opt-in list for free. If you are a SubscriptionRocket member , you can bring it up in the ezine part of your ebook. It has a good concept(get your ezine showed five times for every hit you get, I and is free to join. If you have subscribers to your ezine and you supply them with good and helpful content, then that is a portion of your trusting opt-in list.

Strangers Make Sells Rarely!

What I did was downloaded a ton of free ebooks, read them, figured out how to advertise within good content, brainstormed a bunch of ideas, deleted all of the ebooks and looked for others. There are a lot of good free ebooks, but the majority are just trying to sell you something in the end.

Dont you hate ebooks that state they can help you in specific areas, but every page and link redirects to a sales page?

Thats why its key to give thought into an ebook. You can make a whole bunch of half-ass ebooks and try and promote them all, or promote everything you want through an organized, well compilated free ebook.

#1 reason people use the internet and consider it.....Information

Supply them with good information and they will want to hear from you again. Good content builds credibility and thats what you need to gain maximum exposure.

You can promote an unlimited amount of programs, but they need to have a reason for being there and tie into the main concept of your book. Also, if you are distributing an ebook, every resource and program should be little or no cost whatsoever.

Why would I want to read an ebook that I have acquired for free when its filled with links to stuff I have to pay for. Nobody wants that and few except that. This is what you should do to keep in touch with the person that decides to take a look at your ebook,

Make a well built download page that simply explains the concept to your ebook and how the person reading it will benefit. Have a form that links to a free autoresponder (GetResponse,FreeAutoBot, SendFree, etc) and have the instant message be the download link. Now you can check out your leads list and see who had downloaded your ebook. These are people you should try and build relations with

Contact all of them and ask them what they thought of the ebook. How acccurate and helpful the content was, and overall if they benefited from it. If you gave thought into your ebook and wrote some great content, they will reply back with "I liked it." If you hurried it, they might reply back with "That was a waste of time"(which hurts sometimes) If they liked it, then you should offer them to subscribe to your newsletter (which will help in what they are trying to achieve) or ask them if they would like to take a free ecourse that you have made, assuming you have. Or you can simply ask for permission to keep in contact with them and send them any resources that you see as helpful.

If they say yes, thats somebody else to your opt-in list. Give them good and free information and resources. Dont promote program after program and dont try to sell something in the beginning. That might discourage them from wanting to consider anything from you! It takes a while to build trust between someone and once you hit that point, the majority of the time they will consider and purchase your product because they see you as somebody who wants to help and wants to see you succeedas they have.

If you havent succeeded, dont say that you are an internet marketing guru. You will get caught and its noticible who is and whos not.

Again back to the ebook, at the end write something about yourself and include a picture if possible. If people know that you are willing to be seen and are willing to include information to contact you, they will feel like they know you and can trust you to an extent.

Promote another free ebook inside a free ebook. Mention a topic that somewhat relates to your main concept of the ebook, and say that they can get get this ebook here. Example:

*Concept is getting the most exposure with the smallest amount of work through traffic exchange programs(click-thru, autosurf, class ads, and banners)

*In it you can mention that traffic exchange programs are only a small portion of advertising your business, and that opt-in lists and ezines can promote your business greatly*

With this being said, I would say "I have a great, free ebook that is packed full of ideas on how to build a targeted opt in list and get maximum exposure through ezines. You can email me here for this." Do not send that link to an autoresponder, answer it personally with a thanks for considering it.

If somebody wants to read another ebook that you wrote, than they like the information that you provided and want to consider what you have to offer. In that ebook you can advertise another free ebook that you wrote.

This comes to the conclusion that free ebooks have the power to start an exposure virus. If you like your ebook and would consider other people to read it, ask ebook publishers if they will put a link to it in the next issue as a subscribers free bonus. If you are sketchy about the quality of your ebook, dont promote it and do some more research. There are tons of sites that you can submit your free ebook to and you can offer it to your ListFire list.

By using the autoresponder you know who considered your ebook. You build relations and trust with them by providing free resources and information that they benefited from.

One last note**You can offer for your book to be branded with other peoples link, thus creating an even more deadlier exposure virus.
Think of this..

You have an ebook that contains your listfire link. Ask ezine publishers to give it away in their newsletter or ezine. Some people download it and follow the plan meaning that they sign up at listfire under you. You can add something like "If you would like to brand this ebook with your own links and give it away for free, then please email me." They can request to rebrand your ebook.

Im still a little confused on how to get a brander to your ebook, so I send them to websites that I have made, copy the source code, replace my urls with theirs, and put those documents into an ebook compiler. Create the ebook and now you have an ebook to give away with all of your links. They will promote that ebook and give it away which contains their listfire url. People that go with the plan will sign up under them ( you get credit up to 15 levels...I a free member) which means that you will start to get tons of sign-ups and only a little amount of the work was done by you. Not only ListFire, but any other program that was branded with your url.

Two factors to promotion: Viral Marketing and Duplication.

If youve got these strategies down, then you should be making a good amount of money on the internet. Once you get people wanting to brand it, they will start to do the work for you. That doesnt mean you stop doing work, but you will have more time to create other ebooks and work on other programs.

Ive got a lot more ideas, but I will post them later

Hope this helps!

To your success,
Eric McArdle

If you would like to know where to get all the software needed to build an ebook for free, just send me an email asking at [email protected]

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