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Old May 12, 2003, 01:40 PM
Sandi Bowman
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Here's a Guaranteed (FREE) way to easily make $100k this year, online...

> When I originally wrote the headline I did
> it as a test. I wanted to know how many
> people would click on this message to read
> all about the technique - which was being
> given free - that would reveal how to make
> $100,000 this year online.

> Then later, I was going to post another
> message with a not so enticing headline.
> Maybe even something like, "Here's how
> to make $400 a week mowing lawns" or
> some other thing which obviously meant you
> had to WORK for the money.

> But it dawned on me... after you click on
> this headline you would be wary about
> clicking on another enticing headline of
> mine. My first test would distort the
> results of the second test.

> So I guess I'll just have to live with this
> test for now.

> As for the technique - which you get for
> free...

> Here are several....

> Four Step Create a product people WANT
> to buy
> Create a webpage that sells it
> Plug in a payment processor - paypal,
> clickbank, etc.
> Do an ezine ad blast Those four little
> steps seem so easy. Get them right and you
> will be rolling around in electronic money.

> And that's the hard part... getting them
> right.

> Oh sure... the payment processor is easy.
> But creating a webpage that SELLS. That's
> hard for most people. Better off contacting
> someone to do that for you - I believe
> Gordon is still taking on assignments so he
> might be able to help you out.

> Ezine ad blast... there are plenty of
> ezines. Do a search on Google and you should
> find a multitude of ezines relating to your
> chosen market.

> The hardest part is creating a product
> people want.

> Fact is: Most people create a product and
> then see if someone wants it. Instead of
> studying a market for a while to see what is
> being bought and then offering the same
> thing.

> Yep. Creating a product people want is the
> HARD part. Most get it wrong. Those who get
> it right make some big bucks.

> So what is your chosen topic to be?

> Internet marketing?

> Oh dear. Not another internet marketing
> "guru."

> Question: Name five internet marketing gurus
> who have sold other eBooks of their own
> creation besides eBooks on internet
> marketing?

> Cory Rudl and his Car Buying Secrets is the
> only one I can think of. Got another four?

> How else can you make 100 G's this year
> online?

> JV Form a strategic alliance with someone
> who has a list which reaches the same people
> you want as customers.

> But we get back to that pesky product thing
> again. Just no way to escape it. Blast.

> Form a Team Instead of working on
> something all by your lonesome, join forces
> with someone else and work on a project
> together. Brainstorm it. Discuss it. Just
> like the "board" of a large
> company does.

> People think... how can I make my business
> larger?

> First, write down what larger companies DO.

> They advertise all the time
> They keep track of their profits (sort of)
> They hold meetings and discuss things -
> strategies and tactics (do you know the
> difference between strategy and tactic?)
> They don't try to do everything themselves
> THAT is what large conmpanies DO.

> What do small time operators do?

> They hardly advertise at all. They don't
> really know if their business is profitable.
> They never discuss anything about their
> business - as if doing so would make them
> look like idiots. They want to do everything
> themselves - because they somehow feel it
> takes away from them if someone else needs
> to do something.

> One of the first things many small
> businesses do is get in an outside
> bookkeeper.

> Personally, I don't think this is necessary
> if you know what you are doing.

> If you cannot be bothered to spend a few
> minutes a day keeping track of the
> financials of your business, what are you
> keeping track of?

> Serving customers?

> Fine. But you can still keep track of your
> financials can't you?

> And if you are doing such large volume the
> answer is no... then get that bookkeeper.
> But only after you know what the numbers are
> saying. Otherwise you end up like one
> business owner I know... BANKRUPT because he
> didn't understand the numbers his accountant
> was showing him.

> There is NO SHAME in joining forces with
> another person to get a project off the
> groung. Up and running.

> Look at some of the projects you may be
> familiar with on Sowpub... or created by
> Sowpub regulars.

> There's the "Get Out Of Your Rut"
> product. Rick and Gordon.

> Dien and I do The Entrepreneur's Hotsheet
> and The Great Ideas Letter. Both would be
> too much work for one person to handle. But
> together WE do it.

> How else?

> Big Customers Want to grow your business.
> Make sure your customer are Large.

> For example. Microsoft sold to IBM. They
> benefitted from IBM's largeness.

> Businesses clamour all over themselves
> trying to win military contracts for all
> sorts of things - mess hall catering
> contracts for example. Because the military
> is a large customer.

> There has been some talk on Sowpub about a
> gent who sells to Walmart. Now THAT is a
> large customer.

> Selling to large customers can also make you
> large.

> So... what large customers could do with
> buying your products? What service can you
> provide to a large customer?

> Write it down. Don't just read this post,
> nod your head in agreement (or shake in
> disagreement). Actually pick up a pen (or
> pencil) and write stuff down on a real to
> life piece of paper. Black ink. Blue ink.
> Red ink. Crayon. Doesn't matter. Jot down
> your thoughts. Ideas. Get 'em out where you
> can see them.

> Get a notepad or exercise book (Aussie slang
> for school book full of blank pages -
> whatever that is called in the US and UK).
> Write your ideas and thoughts in that.
> Create yourself an idea/thought journal.

> Of course. If you go this Large Customer
> route, you may have to quickly get help in -
> subcontractors, temp staff, etc. Well so be
> it. Whatever it takes.

> But you know. The moment you get the other
> people in you will suddenly find yourself
> with loads of free time. Maybe even enough
> time to keep track of your own financials
> :o)

> Doubt your organizing ability?

> Are you married?

> If so... WHO organized the wedding?

> You did?

> So you organized a limo, catering, hall,
> church, clothing hire, entertainment and
> guests. AND... you had it all done at
> specific times of the day.

> If you can organize a wedding you can
> organize your business to great growth!

> Thanks for your time. I do hope you found
> it... entertaining/educational... made you
> think some.

> Michael Ross

Hi, Michael,

Your results would be distorted anyway because I imagine many folks (like me) just clicked on the post because your name was attached to it.

I, for one, nearly always read posts by certain people and you're one of them.


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