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Old September 15, 2023, 11:37 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: West Palm Beach, FL
Posts: 3,577
Default Prospect as Product...Maslow's 'BUBBLE' and some psycho-babble too.

2003: Blair Warren in The Forbidden Keys to Persuasion Lessons Manual

"People sometimes believe what they are told, but never doubt what they conclude."

2023: Alen Sultanic: "They'll reject your product but they'll never reject themselves."

GJA. In my 2005 work, THE PROSPECT AS PRODUCT, I wrote that the goal, or result was your customer's satisfaction, happiness.

I included in that version the free report; a revised BEFORE YOU BUY ANYTHING.

Today, and maybe for a few days, I will revisit these ideas, and see if any of them have withstood the test of time.

A big thank you to Bob Schwarztrauber and his most useful work; THE PROFESSIONAL COPYWRITER'S TOOL-KIT,

I have been using it daily and it is helping with an off line business plan that is almost ready to launch, so thanks Bob, good job.

Today I think of the Maslow Pyramid being inside a big bubble, like a giant soap bubble that changes shapes, isn't perfectly round...because I never liked the rigidity of the 'hierarchy' and its so definite distinctions.

So, be you a follower of Alen Sultanic today, the best voice online, or a student of the old masters or have dipped into the Psychology behind Blair Warren's masterful tome on the subject...

It is only gold after it has been processed and refined.

Knowledge must be used, not just stored, to maximize its value.

Today, we'll get out of theory into practical use of such knowledge.

My central premise for decades has been the PREOCCUPATIONAL states of mind we unconsciously walk around in.

ATTENTION is the most important first interaction with other people, without their attention, you have no chance of influence. NONE.

I have come to believe it is the sole and only point of contact, when you lose their attention, the sale is lost, the influence is gone, the persuasion did not work.

Gaining and holding attention is obtained through resonate energy. Although it is most associated with sound, the energy can be felt, and as often as not is a FEELING of RAPPORT.

All efforts to persuade and influence come from a baseline of rapport, making people do against their will is and has never been a good way to gain support and win favor, although there are some modern psychological warfare strategies taking place which are, in effect, holding our attention hostage.

But for now, I'll keep this business.

More sales. Higher Profits. Fewer hours worked. Less slop and mess...all the good stuff we want from our business efforts, eh?

Knowing what I know today, I would tell all younger people to follow Abe Lincoln's advice...if he had 4 hours to chop down a tree, he's spend the first two hours sharpening his axe. Or, preparation.

We dive into things, and I've been as guilty as the next person on this one, only after Harvey Brody pointed out the slop and mess of most businesses, did I take an about face, and began walking to the beat of a different drum.

One with less people, more profits, more free time.

If you are youngish, spend time LEARNING about all the business options you have, especially the real absentee owner kind or passive income, and/or how to gain a toll position.

So what would be the equivalent of ol Abe's axe sharpening?

Assessments. And I would be inclined to suggest you take as many as you can find, afford and get a good cross section of all the tools.

You can find personality and other tests here:

Although I am not in agreement with it all, for the most part you'll find some of the top rated assessments. Beyond personality the MSLQ and other Locke and Latham tools (google) can find almost any type of assessment online, many for free, to help discover your strengths and best suited for opportunities.

Now for a minute, make yourself your PRODUCT.

What do you want this 'finished' product to look like? Or if you prefer the greener pastures across the river, what will you find over there when you cross the bridge to get to it?

Without a destination, one wanders. For a Ricky Nelson, a Wandering Man, that is ok, but for the rest of us trying to get somewhere...not so good.

Last edited by GordonJ : September 15, 2023 at 02:28 PM.
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