Originally Posted by GordonJ
People don't change.
HOGWASH. There isn't enough "proof" via unbiased studies into neuroscience as regards the changes made in the brain with social media. But I'm not going to wait for confirmation.
And it is a big concern.
OK, some background: a few decades back I did an audio report called UTTER POWER, giving some information on how to communicate, influence and get people to do your bidding with what you say.
I am currently updating that report for Dien Rice, who will have it available during the coming holidays, as I am wrapping it up now.
I consider myself to be an amateur expert on language. Especially sales and influence, all things persuasion and such. The common mantra one reads these days is; people don't change.
But they have.
Social media, the Internet, there is now a generation who grew up on it. They had cell phones and video games since they were tots. They are now entering college and in case you care, their BRAINS operate differently than any other generation. Social media has done serious damage to this generation, and this is where you can either disagree, cash in, or run for the hills.
At the center of the change is the ATTENTION mechanics of the brain, the RAS and the amygdala; heretofore the guards of what is allowed to enter and influence the neurosystems.
The guards have abandon their posts. The King could take the arrow because no one is guarding the palace.
And there are some who know this, and take advantage.
I will say, the old world sales techniques, the old language of persuasion, will not work on this generation and a new language is needed if you want to move them at all.
Emojis, shorthand, dog whistles, memes, will be the language of the future (tomorrow), and there will be a huge divide, a grand canyon of misunderstanding between the BSM, AND ASM. Before social media. After social media.
Now, I acknowledge old farts like me have always shouted concern about younger generations...it is what we do.
However, let me point out, there was never a pervasive, daily used "pablam" (although TV of the 50's and 60's tried) that has been swallowed by the masses, enough so a whole new generation exists...one that has never known anything else. It is their way.
And it isn't going away. Never.
And now, we have vertical growth of AI, rapidly being integrated into everyday life and social media, and there is the DOOM AND GLOOM for the world.
There is a new language, one which will allow you to thrive, and at the same time prevent great losses as the social media crowd blossoms into the majority. But if you don't know how to talk to these folks, you will be left behind.
Hopefully, there will be a future to get to learn this stuff...but for now, I am going to restate my opinion...if you think people don't change...then you are in for a rude awakening as you deal more and more with the ASM group.
P.S. The new UTTER POWER will show you the differences and how to adjust, for a brief time, you will have to master both, old world ways, and the new ones too. Dien Rice will let you all know when the report is ready for consumption.