Freud knew the switches, and put forth the idea a single word, or THOUGHT could change states of minds, emotions, and even physical states.
James T. Mangan wrote the tome on SWITCHWORDS, which has been stolen and made into the pablum millennials will buy.
Rather than throwing a switch and turning on a connection, with switchwords and mantras alike, it is an intermittent connection which for all intents and purposes is like an open gate, albeit, it isn't.
It is great to see field tests being conducted in the real world, and not behind the closed doors or academia or secret gov't research/exploitations.
Now, back to spying on the dark side of the moon with my crystal remote viewing balls...and the coming Feb. blackout. Eh?
Originally Posted by Glenn
Thanks Dien/Gordon,
Years ago I Helped A Former Salesman At a Retirement Home.
I - We Sent him Vitamins
II - We Sent Him Proven Ways to Make Exra Cash in his Side Gig.
III - And - at His Request - We Sent Him Proven/Tested BRIBES (we use to Get Huge Plates of Veggies instead of those tiny side dishes At Restaurants)
Costing a buck each. Trinkets he could use to Get Favors from Nurses and Staff.
a - Wgt Loss SunGlasses. (The Japanese Co Says, "Blue is not in nature except for BlueBerries. So Blue Food looks UGLY. You Eat Less. Lose Wgt)
b - LED Keychain Lites (Brighter than a flashlite)
c - Diamond Tip Pens
d - Red Paper Roses - You Make While The Waitress Watches
DALE Thanked Me with a Surprise.
He Fed X'd His Napoleon Hill Seminar Course. "LAW OF SUCCESS" Records and The Course Manual.
Plus Shared This Napoleon Hill Story -
"Glenn, I Liked to Wait Outside the Hotel Banquet room. Because I Liked to Watch Dr Hill's MAGIC at Work.
We Knew When He Was Getting Close.
Just Before He Drove up in his car - Dozens of people would rush out of the Hotel. Get in their Cars and Trucks.
Only in the front Rank. Close to the building.
I asked Dr Hill, "How Do You DO that?"
Here is What He said. Exactly what I use to this day.
Dr Hill Said, "I have an Imaginary Helper. He goes out ahead of me. Moves cars out of the front Row So I can Park."
I Repeat to myself, "Lots of Empty Spaces. Lots of Empty Parking Spaces. Up front, Up Front.
"Lots of Empty Spaces. Up Front. Empty Spaces Up front."
Dale Told Me This had Worked for him Hundreds of times.
Empty parking spaces AND Empty Restaurant Seats too. (No Need for Reservations.)
I Tried it myself.
A Couple of Common Sense MISTAKES I made.
POINT #1 - You Gotta Start Talking BEFORE you get to The Wal-Mart Parking Lot.
POINT #2 - You Don't Want to Mix The Empty Parking Spaces Mantra with The Empty Restaurant Seat Words.
POINT #3 - You Gotta Remember to Start saying, "Empty Spaces, Lots of Empty Spaces WHILE YOU are Driving To The Parking Lot. Too Late When you are In The Parking Lot. It takes TIME for People to Move their Cars.
POINT #4 - Dunno Why this is. But Like Water that won't Boil while You Watch. This Does Not work for me if I Sit There in my car and WATCH.
Common Sense Strategy & Words
to Get Restaurant Seats without a Reservation.
RIGHT AWAY when you pull into one of the Empty Parking Spaces.
You start Saying, "Lots of empty SEATS. Lots of Empty seats. Walk right in and sit down"
Over and over.
100% of the time.
By the Time You Walk in The Restaurant - The Concierge will say, "Great Timing. We Have an Empty table. Follow me. Come this way."
Whenever I Am Driving to Dinner with Friends. Especially in Friday, Sat, Sunday. When Restaurants are jammed.
I say, "Bet you didn't know I Am a Magician. I can move TONS with my Mind."
Then You announce you will Clear A bunch of Front row Parking spaces.
I Like to Say The MAGIC WORDS out Loud. "Abra cadabra - Lots of Empty Spaces."
The Restaurant Seat Magic?
That I say over and over to myself.
For some Reason The Empty Seat Magic Makes People Nervous.
Final Surprise?
In The Years We've been Doing this - with The Same people even.
Nobody has Ever asked, "Who taught you That? Or "How do you do that?"
Funny, right?
Glenn Osborn
Millionaire Mastermind Marketing Association