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Old August 28, 2024, 06:26 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: West Palm Beach, FL
Posts: 3,576
Default Why helping small businesses is the BEST opportunity there is.

OK, gonna be long winded today (this week).

Over the last few months, as I have made known here, I have been testing my lottery newsletter idea, which looks like 90% of NO GO. Mainly due to, get ready for it...

the slop and mess of it all (translates into too much people contact). I may, if anything, go to smaller "lottery clubs" type thing...time will tell.

But also during this time, as I was gathering ammunition to compare it with other money making ideas, I had to do a RE dive into Business Opportunity, which is kind of our forte here anyhow. Both Dien and I have been researching and reporting on Biz-Op for decades.

Now, on the other side of the Covid crisis, we see what is going on.

I have been carefully tracking franchises, especially home based and low cost ones. McDonald's is out of most people's reach...albeit, an almost guaranteed winner.

What is a franchise winner? It is one that lives up to the financial promises made to the franchisee. Do they make the money they are supposed to be making when they bought into the thing?

Today, I call it the Great Boomer CashOut...boomers, now the youngest of them, are calling it quits in business and some of these have been operating profitably for decades and decades.

Great opportunity to buy the cow that gives the milk. Many boomers will carry some of the financing, because, it is to their tax benefit to do so.

Anyhow, I have carefully watched and tracked the new franchises, the new low cost business opportunities and I can state this with a certain CONFIDENCE, and my statement is:

The problem will all Biz-Op is

The problem with ALL BIZ OP is...


The reason franchises still sell so well is due to their having worked out the MARKETING PLAN of getting customers. That is really what the true benefit of a franchise is...the marketing how to.

A quick peek at the top mentioned ones as found at sites with lists of the best low cost business opportunity/ or franchises/or distributorships.

My searches were for low cost, UNDER 10k and here is what I've found: AT CNBC the only one under ten is Dream Vacations, for a home base travel agency. we see Cruise Planners and Dream Vacations again.

You will see the travel guys again, and this: the N2 company, a throw back to publishing and ad sales.

And on and on and on it goes.

Which led me to this post.

Friend of the forum Steve DiMarco has been in the print game for 40 years, I don't know of anyone who has DONE more programs than Steve has. His menu boards are still working, and the many co-op mailings he has done would fill a library.

Now his latest thing is the pinnacle of his print business. And we had great discussions about this long ago, but this beats all.

See, let me start with CUSTOMERS. The one thing all business needs. A franchise has a marketing plan that hopefully brings in your customers, but as many a home base franchisee will tell you, it is often feast or famine.

There are over 73,000 pizza shops in USA today. And about 750,000 take out restaurants too. THOSE are Steve's customer.

Easy to find. Easy to locate. So, what does he sell them? NOTHING, he gives them more business, by giving his coupon flyer to them, at zero cost to them and he then has up to six advertisers who pay between 250 and 399 to have their BUSINESS CARD put on the flyer. Now here is his secret.

The flyer stays in the house for a year. So the advertisers easily see the benefit of having their ads on the flyer. Perfect for plumbers, home improvement, auto, insurance, services of all kinds. Distributing business cards is hard, who doesn't have at least half a box laying around in some office drawer?

Now the reason I find this to be brilliant is; he doesn't have to look for customers, he gives a value away. And the selling of ads part, well, see for yourself what other options do any of them have at that low cost? He can get you on the fridge for a year, at about the cost of a one month very low budget ad campaign goes.

This is why I think HELPING BUSINESSES get more business is the ultimate Biz Op. Unlimited demand, unlimited supply.

And for every yAhoo who comes into the shop selling SEO, or Google placement, or sms, or anything digital, can't compete with a card in a drawer or on the fridge that offers a year of coupons, not by shotgun as in EDDM, where most cards get tossed out...but these were given to CUSTOMERS who bought, and will more than likely come back, especially if they use the special coupons.

Help business get more business and you will have, maybe, found the most evergreen profitable business of all time.


Last edited by GordonJ : August 28, 2024 at 06:56 PM.
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