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3 sure fire, tested and proven formulas for making your $$$$ [Archive] - Page 5 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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January 26, 2018, 07:25 PM
Thanks Gordon,


The Definition of "GURU" may not be what it used to be.


Definition of AN EXPERT - Someone who has Concentrated on ONE SUBJECT
for six months.

Definition of a GURU - Someone Who Has Focused and Concentrated on
ON SUBJECT for 365 days or more.

Without Coffee or RedBull
Damage to your brain.

Without PERMANENT Brain Damage
Due to Thousands of phone and text Cell Phone Messages.

SURVEY SAYS - (I googled these 2 facts.)

***80% of Americans drink 1 cup of coffee or more a day.

***The Pew Research Center IN 2017 said, "95% of Americans Own a Cell Phone.
And 77% have a SMART PHONE."

There simply are Not Many Of Us
Non-Coffee drinking - Non-Cell Phone using Folks left.

Maybe there is not much Competition.


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