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Can I get some advice...? [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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November 2, 2006, 09:25 AM
As I had posted before I am just beginning an advertising flyer distribution biz in my city.
I do 5,000 flyers in a bag & hang them from doorknobs of affluent homes here.

The rub is that it is just my daughters & I to sell, bag & distribute all 5,000. In the present hours that we have to donate to this project it will take us 33 days to deliver all 5,000. We sell the project saying one batch will go out per month. That means we will work every day of the month distributing & then some. Not counting rainy days or Sundays or ANY day off for anything unexpected. I charge $120 for this service per biz in the bag.

My Q is: I really need to think about cutting it down to 2,500 homes that it goes out to, but can't really afford to do it much cheaper if any at all. If I do cut it down, what should I cut the price down to?

The business model that I took this off of charged for 10,000- $400. So I cut it down some & did 5,000 for the $120. Using that model I SHOULD charge $100 for the 2,500, BUT...and my second Q here...
Will the advertisers that I ALREADY have (I just started & am still distributing last months, which was our first month) agree to cut down to distributing only 2,500 & STILL pay almost what they were for the whole 5,000???

I hope I am being clear, I'm trying to rush to get the girls to school, but I also have to meet with a new potential client this am, & was hoping to have some answers from you pros before that to kind of guide me on what to say. (I told this man on the phone yesterday that we do the 5,000, but I'm thinking of just being honest w/him that it is taking too long & we need to cut this months run back.)

Well, thanks for the help, sowpub members!!:) I'm kind of in a spot to really need some business wisdom here & I'm sure glad we have this forum to communicate like this!:) :)

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