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Sandi Bowman
November 12, 2006, 08:09 PM
Hi, Bob,

Try ebooks on CD about gun cleaning how-to, shell re-loading tips, gun safety, gun modifications the average user could do such as trigger guards, sites, scopes, etc...

Most of the accessories such as polishing cloths, swabs, bluing, cleaning kits, and so on would be possible sale items. How about targets for practice? Don't forget holsters, carriers, slings, etc...or even compact tool kits for in-field adjustments or emergencies.

You could also look into gun racks, safes, cabinets and so on if you want to go larger. Find a local woodworker and arrange to have a customized version made and upsell folks so they get exactly what they want instead of settling for best available at the time.

Sandi Bowman

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