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What Would You...? [Archive] - Page 14 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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James Anthony
April 8, 2007, 10:02 PM
How long did it Take all you 6 Figure Plus Income guys & gals to Get to your Level of Success?

Just a year, that's all.

Well, that's if you don't count the 17 previous years of living dirt poor while trying to figure things out and jumping from one idea to the next without being able to perfect a single one.

But who counts that stuff anyway?

That was all the "learning" and "trial and error" stuff.

No need to count that stuff.

Once things were figured out, just a year (and about 20K in equipment) to 6 figures.

I should note though, that I have never actually paid myself 6 figures, not even half of that. I've never had the need. This is a big mistake (IMO) that I see a lot of people make when they start to make real money.

I'm much more focused on growth than I am on income at the moment. It would have been real easy to pay myself 100 or even 200K the last few years but I don't want 100 or 200K a year. I want a million bucks a year, and until I'm there, pretty much everything goes right back into the business to grow it to that point.

Once I'm there, I'll gladly forget about future growth and focus more on stability and maintenence of the business, and I'll gladly put that million a year in my pocket.


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