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Welcome to the new Sowpub forum! [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


View Full Version : Welcome to the new Sowpub forum!

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Dien Rice
August 31, 2006, 07:57 PM
Okay, I still gotta lot of "tweaking" to do... and trying to figure out how this thing works...

However, I've managed to set it so anyone can post. (You DON'T need to register in order to do so...) Hopefully all will work okay.

You can register though if you want to...

So, please go ahead and test it out!

I'm also open to any suggestions...

Sorry we had to switch software. As you may know, the old forum was hit by Distributed-Denial-of-Service (DDoS) (http://searchsecurity.techtarget.com/sDefinition/0,,sid14_gci557336,00.html) attacks, which are very nasty. The old forum software we were using, WebBBS, was particularly vulnerable because it uses a lot of system resources - so they were able to easily crash the server. This forum software should be more robust against that...

On the archives from old Sowpub forum, I know there's a lot of valuable "nuggets" of gold there... I'm planning to make that accessible in some form - though I don't know exactly what form yet. But I'll be working on getting that back "online" in some form over the next few weeks...

Thanks for your patience... I must say, I've been suffering from "Sowpub forum withdrawal" so I hope we can make this a vibrant place!

As I said, I'm open to all your suggestions about how this forum should behave and look... (Though I'm still figuring out how to work it all myself at the moment!)

Thanks! :)


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