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Dien, with your Expertise in Physics... Electromagnetic Radiation from your Laptop? [Archive] - Page 4 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


View Full Version : Dien, with your Expertise in Physics... Electromagnetic Radiation from your Laptop?

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January 14, 2008, 02:10 PM

Thanks for asking about self testing.

Both people had their home tested For them. But you can do it yourself...

You'll need some kind of Gauss Meter. Pop into your local Radio Shack or equal (Tandy, Dicksmith Electronics, JayCar, etc.) and ask if they sell them. Or Google for them. Here's one I found for $36 http://www.virginiahopkinstestkits.com/gaussmeter.html

Here's another page with a range of Devices http://www.ghostresearch.org/articles/equip.html

Another page with a range of devices http://www.lessemf.com/gauss.html

Just make sure they can measure the field created by an electrical device and not just magnetism - as might be tested for with metal parts, metal pipes, tubing, etc. (most of the above should be the Electrical testing types).

Hope this helps.

Michael Ross

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