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Skip Rosell
March 22, 2008, 02:48 PM

One thing I like about your reports (and you helped me replicate some of that, and that is appreciated) is your use of step by step with big red arrows and screen shots...that is good.

I haven't done this yet, but...

I took 90% of my stuff down last fall to go into the shop for cleaning and tuning...while I concentrated on doing the Ben/Harvey project...which has become more complicated than I originally thought...

Anyhow, what I've been working on for ME, is a "map"... of sorts....a large (17 X 22) laminated "map", that can be overlayed with pieces and parts. I started with my Square One Workshops, and from there I've been working on several other "map type" pieces, one for the Copywriter's Checklist (www.incomeandhappiness.com (http://www.incomeandhappiness.com)) and another for a TOLL Position and another for the NPGS formula...and one for CHATTELING.

Only the chatteling and SQ1 are mine, so the others have to go through an approval process.

Now here is the plan...I'll offer a "Course" in Chatteling...and the initial payment includes the "map"....and some colored markers...

The "map" can sit on your desktop, or be put on a wall or cork board right in your office or by the computer. It looks a little like a game board, something like Chutes and Ladders type thing...where you can get started and then branch off in different directions. With Chattel, people seem to want to specialize...so as a guy like SunWest Bill does good with Amateur Radio equipment...so the "map" he would create would be more toward that subject ...

SEE?...what happens is the "Course" becomes personalized, and is specifically created to match the needs and wants of your customer.

In your case, I can very clearly visualize a 'map' of how to create a web-site...with a few different branches and the person can then determine which "path" they want to go down...

Then, they have a set number of questions or contacts they can use to fill in their own blanks.

This is still being developed in my spare time (HA!)...but the original SQ1 had this built into it...and it seemed to work pretty good.

So, consider a CUSTOMIZED template (yea, an oxymoron)...that your customer will choose to fill in depending on his/her learning process.

Think of a Monopoly Board...move down the first lane and you get the fundamentals of how to get a web host, how to set it up...down the second lane or third (they get to choose) are "plug ins" for their needs.

I'd be very careful about offering your time Skip...do as much as you can without overly involving yourself...otherwise, you could get a lot of bog down...

But since this is only a "plan" at this point, I don't have any evidence that it will or won't work...hopefully, sooner rather than later.

Good luck,


PS. And as you grow, you'll have (perhaps) a variety of options for your customers, options that are automated without you being involved.

Hi Gordon,

Thank you for the great idea.

A MAP! What a great idea! I can set this up as a membership site and have different paths to what the customer WANTS to learn.

I can not only use this idea for my latest report but for ANY niche I want to target.

Some details have to be worked out so let me get to work. :)

Thanks again Gordon,

Best of success,

Skip Rosell

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