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August 17, 2008, 10:02 PM
Thanks Gordon. I have to admit, I hated doing this at first. I have always hated the idea of sales, have had no skills, and it's definitely my weakest point. Standing around at gas stations not making sales in 105 degree heat can discourage you really fast - trust me.

Just the techniques my friend has taught me has helped tremendously. Much of what you have said he has already been training me (lady with kids - mention the coupons every Sunday, sports guys - talk sports, etc...) Assume the sale, start getting the name, address etc. to get them committed.

I have to admit, part of my slow start in Real Estate is that lack of sales skills. I've started getting my prospects more committed up front now as well (when is a good time to get together to see homes? - Let's meet here and I'll drive - oh, and one of my lenders will call to pre-qualify you tomorrow, just so your ready when we find that perfect home).

Heck, if I can stand around gas stations getting people's credit card numbers all day, I should be able to get potential home buyers to give me some commitment.

BTW, I wrote up a contract today on a bank owned home for a nice young couple (who I met at the mall just two weeks ago). Will spend the next 48 hours praying that it gets accepted. Oh, updating my website and praying. It does need some work.

Thanks again for the input!

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