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March 31, 2009, 04:46 PM
That's disappointing news. Thanks for the update and the recommendations. So where should we keep an eye out, so to speak, to see if the book does come out in the next few years? (In other words, who will be selling it and where, etc.?)

Have fun at the beach!

We are born into the PARADE OF LIFE and we travel our personal paths from the cradle to the crypt, often taking the path of least resistance; avoiding pain and seeking pleasure.

Etc., etc.

I’ve worked very hard these last couple of years and as of today, my contractual obligations are over. There is some "bad news" for those waiting on the book on Toll Positions. My part is done, I’m not involved with this "speed bump", which is; there are some legal concerns that apparently need to be resolved before the book ever sees the light of day. What that means is, I don’t know. But I do know that some "legal concerns" may take years to resolve. Maybe not. It is out of my hands, sorry.

Here is a reading list for those of you that would like to pursue a "TOLL POSITION", and are either actively seeking or want to be:

The 12 Amazing Secrets of Millionaire Inventors by Harvey Reese

Profit from Your Idea-How to Make Smart Licensing Deals by Richard Stim and includes a CD with FORMS on it (NOLO press).

The Licensing Business Handbook by Karen Raugust and the editors of The Licensing Letter.

Essentials of Licensing Intellectual Property by Alexander I. Poltorak and Paul J. Lerner.

That should give you a solid footing to pursue getting a TOLL Position.

What else? UMMM...I think that about covers it.

See ya all at Benny’s on the Beach.

Gordon Jay Alexander

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