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Scratch a hippie...find a BMW. [Archive] - Page 5 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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Dien Rice
November 22, 2010, 08:03 PM
Keep in mind, as per some Good ol' Google Bots and a little Hippie related Food for Thought(s)...

Steve... Hare Krishna and Many others are Still around and Kicking... Although, Not all and of course Times, Economics etc... Keep on Changing! ;)
Hi Phil,

Well pointed out...!

Actually, I don't have anything against "hippies" per se... I'm just not into the drug thing, personally...

However, many entrepreneurs might be called "hippies" or "former hippies"...

As well as Steve Jobs, some others could be...

Richard Branson (founder of... oh... about a zillion companies, including Virgin Records and Virgin Airlines)
Paul Hawken (author of "Growing a Business" and entrepreneur behind "Erewhon" natural foods and "Smith & Hawken" garden supply company)
Ben & Jerry (of the ice-cream fame)
Anita Roddick (founder of the Body Shop)
Kenny Kramer (inspiration for Cosmo Kramer on "Seinfeld") - "During the disco years Kenny created an electronic jewelry item that sold so well that Kramer was able to live comfortably long after disco died." http://www.kennykramer.com/kramerbio.html

As long as there's a market for it, you can start a business doing it!

Here are a few more...

"The hippies who made it big"

Best wishes,


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