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Free ice cream! but... it's Adults only! [Archive] - Page 3 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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Dien Rice
August 4, 2011, 04:29 PM
On Fathers Day this June placards were placed in my city at just about every corner that had a stoplight.

Fathers Day...Free ice cream for Dad bring him between 7pm and 9pm

Must have worked pretty well because the placards have now all been replaced with 2 for 1 ice cream every Tuesday between 7pm - 9pm.

Giving Dad free ice cream is a great ploy as the kids are going to take him and they are going to want it too..... win/win promotion.
Hi Cornell,

Thanks for sharing that... That is a fantastic promotion!

I can just imagine kids dragging Dad in for his free ice-cream... only to also get some ice-cream themselves...!

I also noticed that Baskin-Robbins have a "birthday club" - where you can get a free ice-cream on your birthday... (You can find more info on their website.)

By the way, the Baskin-Robbins ice cream chain is relatively new here in Australia, and I noticed, at least in my experience, they're always offering you a free taste of the flavors you're thinking about getting. I've never encountered that in any other ice cream store here. I think it's a great idea and business practice! I'm sure it will win them new fans, and also added loyalty...

Best wishes,


P.S. I also found this good article, on where to get free stuff on your birthday... Who doesn't like "free"? Some of these are really "free", while others are coupons (and so would still require spending some money)


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