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Is anyone here currently doing direct mail? [Archive] - Page 4 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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September 18, 2011, 06:00 AM
Hi WQ...

Question about the typeface you used on the letter (unless it's just my viewer). The lower case "i" seems to be not tall enough, and the lower case "w" + "v" seems to not reach/touch the line at the bottom (they float above it). Overall, this makes the letter very hard to read (flow). The eye keeps "saying," HUH?!?, every so often (visually).

Also, maybe I'm not the right audience for this (my socio-economic status), but I'm really not quite sure what a "cleaning audit" is.

Also, would you let me write a "challenger" to your control? Just for kicks.

PM me.

-- TW

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