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Inspired to write a new cookbook. [Archive] - Page 11 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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December 25, 2011, 10:52 AM
Happy New Year Dien,

I had dinner on the 24th at a restaurant that was 3/4 empty.

9 of 10 restaurants don't have a customer list.

Thus they have no real business.

A couple questions about the StinkingRose Restaurant:

How many tables - how many people does the place seat?

How many different items on the menu?

Do you remember how busy they were when you were there?

How Successful they looked?

I ask because...

In my experience GARLIC LOVERS are what Gary Halbert calls

CRAZED - Passionate - NUTS about Garlic.


P.S. - Plus whoever named the Restaurant is very Smart. Linking two
words that don't belong together is what I call an "NLP Trance SLAP in Print."

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The Technique is VERY POWERFUL.

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