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Dien Rice
July 7, 2012, 10:53 PM
Over the last few days I've spoken to several people regarding your projects, the Whiteboard, the 30 Days to a Product, Chatteling...and some just HI How you doing.

If you've never spoken to me, you may be surprised at the number of questions I ask. If it is about YOUR business, I'm NOT prying nor looking to "steal" anyone's million dollar idea.

I've spoken to ONE inventor and was given the opportunity to possibly work with another one...alas, not happening.

They (in general, most inventors) just don't understand marketing or how things work in the real world...
Hi Gordon,

I absolutely agree with you. I know of someone who made terrible, terrible mistakes, as a result of his lack of knowledge of marketing (and also other aspects of business). As a result, while he could have been swimming in cash today (from his great invention), instead, he's still "stuck" because of all his mistakes (and the multiple chances he's blown as a result)...

One thing Harvey also did was he learned from his mentors. If you don't know what you're doing, it makes sense to get advice from someone who's "been there"... it could mean the difference between huge success, and miserable failure (and that's not an exaggeration)!

For all of you with a project/product or a marketing strategy on your mind...I encourage you to have a very clear view from the top of the Pyramid for your short term projects and an even clearer view from the rooftop for your longer term projects.

DO THE HEAVY LIFTING...THE THINKING...at the beginning, and more often than not, it is simply executing the step...grab onto the rung above you, step up...repeat until you on the last rung...
I agree 100%.

Plan meticulously, especially having things such as multiple "backup plans", and figure out multiple possible pathways to your goal. (One pathway may end up being blocked - but if you've figured out multiple pathways, you're not stuck! As you have other pathways to take...)

There is nothing wrong with asking a "higher power" to help with your success. To do this, though, you should make sure that your business is absolutely ethical, and in harmony with what is "good"... (Don't ask the Almighty to help you rob a bank, for instance - that would be ludicrous and wrong... But to help in an ethical educational business - or any other ethically fine business - sure, why not?) And... have an attitude of gratefulness, too...

Best wishes,


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