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July 8, 2012, 03:37 PM
Thanks Eva,

Good idea.

I failed at doing Exactly what you described. I Couldn't find enough Home or
Part Time Business Ideas to fill a book.

You're probably better than me at on or off-line research.

But a Twist on the idea IS Making Me Munny.

What I did is Create Specific ONE Idea Products.

My ONE Suggestion?

NICHE like Crazy!

Here are a 2 or 3 of my MOST PROFITABLE Niches... (Lots of room for You Too)

#1 - Stress RELIEF is a Mega-Niche...

"How to Knock Out STRESS in 30 Seconds or LEss"

I offer a 365 day 100% munny back Guarantee it takes away STRESS in 30 Seconds.

PROOF & NO-RISK is what makes the letter Work:

I Tested the Sales Letter on Ebay.


Seems like 90% of the MLM products today promise MASSIVE Extra Energy.
5 Hr Energy Bottles in Every Gas Station.
Red Bull
Coffee Shops on every corner

w/Mine You ONLY Order One Time.

"How to Build MASSIVE Extra Energy In Your Body
At Any Age in 138 Seconds a Day"


#3 - HEALTH & AGING Niches...

Super Spinach - Most Nutritious Food on Earth
How to Fight Tooth PAIN, Gum Soreness & Disease and Win

Best Seller in this niche is:

"How to Double Your Energy & Reverse Aging - Guaranteed"



"FBI Truth Test - How to Catch A Liar in 30 Seconds"

This Best Seller is Not in Any Niche. But with so many people in Biz,
Banking, Gummnt LYING to us...

It sells very well.

I did a Project for an FBI AGENT - and he taught me.

Notice I use Literally DOZENS of Case Studies my Customers Sent in
where they INVISIBLY - without the Rascal Knowing - Caught A SalesPerson, a spouse,
kids, boss,
boy or girlfriend LYING...



People tell me I write "FUNNY."

So Write it up YOUR Way.

But You CAN Borrow ideas about Hot Niches from me. After all, I borrowed
the Niche idea too.

(I noticed Dan Kennedy had like 15 Copywriting Products. So I Created FOUR of my own. They Sell Great and Buyers are happy. See? A Hot Niche.)

Thanks Eva,
Glenn Osborn

P.S. - Your Idea is Fantastic. Just Be Flexible.

My only Suggestion is that you NICHE your
HOW-TO-BOOKS. One book of ideas per Industry Niche.

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