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What to do with scratch cards players list? [Archive] - Page 2 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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July 28, 2013, 07:23 PM
Thanks Ronit,

Lists of gamblers are incredibly lucrative.


A - You might RENT the list.

The owners of Gambling lists RENT their lists but NEVER show the renter
the names.

They do this by using a 3rd party to do the actual direct mailing.
Or emailing. Phone answering. Collection of the moolah.

They control the list 100%.

B - You can offer a Information BRIBE in the form of a Executive Report
and Send a Survey or Questionnaire.

This allows you to FIND OUT what sort of gambling related information
product your list Likes.

Then s ell it to them.

IF YOU TRY TO GUESS - you will fail.

That is how this works. There are a million wrong guesses to each RIGHT GUESS - so your best results will come by ASKING.

But since people have been ASKED for their opinion SO MUCH
You will have to BRIBE them to get their help.

Glenn Osborn
Millionaire Mastermind Marketing Association


I recently Bribed my customers to VOTE on which headline they liked best.

Which is how I came up with this Weird Winning Headline-

"Dead Parrot Copywriting" -

100 pages of Hidden Emotion Writing strategies
I discovered self made billionaires using in Print.

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