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Pre-sell your book before you write it? [Archive] - Page 4 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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June 28, 2014, 02:49 AM
Which is how I ended up Testing books on Ebay. (Now illegal to sell an E-book on E-bay.)

Hey Glenn: unless ebay has changed their policy in the last year, You can still sell ebooks/digital info. on ebay. Just different rules apply. You have to list it in everything else->information products in classifieds or if its an auction, you have to put a disclaimer on the listing and ship it on some sort of media. ie.. cd, flash drive.. AND you have to include that you own (you created it, or have the resell rights to it).

I think that's the way it is now, a friend of mine is full time on ebay and sell almost exclusively digital products on genealogy this way. He uses kunaki, to produce a shrink wrapped cd and they drop ship his products.

And I've sold software that I produced up until about a year ago on ebay.

Haven't been on ebay in a while, but I think that's still the way it is.

Hope this helps...

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